The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. "Tink-Tink-Tink"?
  2. well bells are ringing, and in that country, thats what they think bells sound like
  3. No idea.
    Christmas poem?
  4. its a bit of a dark poem, so think about evil
  5. ... Nothing coming to me.
  6. ok, what realm would be associated with storm clouds?

    oh and a feeling of fear
  7. November 23rd is the 50th anniversary special.
  8. Pokeyman Ex and Pokeyman Whyy comes out tomorrow!


  9. So a massive turn of events happened, as it turns out my GAME store is full of screwups, and they released X and Y on the 11th.

    So I'm just chilling with my level 30, Gen 6 Pokémon whilst you poor suckers have to wait.
  10. I don't really care for Pokemon.
  11. I stopped caring at about 10ish
  12. (if you didn't care, you wouldn't bother saying you didn't care.)
  13. The only people who don't like Pokemon are people who sucked at playing it. :p
  14. Pokemon emulator of Emerald on my phone is better. I don't have to carry around a DS.
  15. Anyways, I'm going to ComicCon tomorrow! Wooo!
  16. Have fun!
    Who are you meeting again?