The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. I've never really looked in FF
  2. Never let your mother give her opinion on what haircut you should get...
  3. My mom seems to think that I want a long, flowing mane of hair. I want really short hair?? Moms are strange creatures.
  4. How I prepare my hair everyday:

    1:Headbutt pillow.

    Mission accomplished.
  5. I miss my long flowing mane...
  6. Hmmmmmmmm.

  7. As of 11am tomorrow I'll be in the hospital, therefor inactive. Until then, goodbye.
  8. Well damn, that escalated quickly.

    I used to have long golden locks... Then I realized I looked DUMB and I shaved it for the close crop look. All of a sudden I have ladies all over me.

  9. The Pitt effect (Troy)
    *Says in a Sips_ voice*
  11. Was that really necessary?
  12. What? New Doctor Who is coming out? What was that, Dave?
  13. November 23rd. :3
  14. hi everyone, new to kaw and felt like sharing this poem :

    spinning storms clouds, rushing storm clouds,
    hazy skies, a hazy night,
    and a furtive moon that slyly
    sets the flying snow alight
    on we drive.. the waste is boundless
    nameless plains skim past, and hills.
    Gripped by fear, I sit unmoving...
    Tink-tink-tink go the bells....

    You can have a go at guessing the name of the poem :)
    (that was only a part of the poem btw, not all of it)