My mom seems to think that I want a long, flowing mane of hair. I want really short hair?? Moms are strange creatures.
Well damn, that escalated quickly. I used to have long golden locks... Then I realized I looked DUMB and I shaved it for the close crop look. All of a sudden I have ladies all over me. Strange...
hi everyone, new to kaw and felt like sharing this poem : spinning storms clouds, rushing storm clouds, hazy skies, a hazy night, and a furtive moon that slyly sets the flying snow alight on we drive.. the waste is boundless nameless plains skim past, and hills. Gripped by fear, I sit unmoving... Tink-tink-tink go the bells.... You can have a go at guessing the name of the poem (that was only a part of the poem btw, not all of it)