Alli allioss, ss oss! ("Hey guys! What if we made a writing prompts thread so we see some awesome new stories?")
I have a short story I would like to share: (this took a lot of time to think up, I also had to make sure it was original) Once Upon a time... The End. HOLD YOUR APPLAUSE! I know, I know, that was an amazing story, but you should buy my book "Short stories: by Dragonite Lé Pokémon".
September 11th all. For some reason for the past year and a half I constantly saw the time "9:11" on clocks, whether analog or digital. Mostly digital. Guess what? I was walking around and saw the oven clock said 9:00, and I was like: "wait for it..." Then I sit down on my iPod, and bam, 9:11.
i discovered this app on my android phone,ive played it alot often alone.i used to have freinds,kids and a i have none its ruined my life.i created a clan and made new freinds,we battled and battled to the bitter ends.i stayed up all hours reloading men,i used them all up and did it again.ok now guys im outta here post on my wall and give me a cheer.x
Really late but oh well. Happy National Suicide Awareness Day, everyone! :3 whispers my school had only three people out of four hundred who didnt write 'love' on their wrist in honor of nsad~
September 10th, National Suicide Awareness Day. Write 'love' on your wrist if you're aware. November 1st, National Self-Harm Awareness Day. Wear a black ribbon on your wrist if you're suffering or have suffered from self-harm.
His threads are good though... So technically it's not necro-bumping. Necro bumping is what you say for bad threads