The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Lol cuz ur the writer u know what's gonna happen!
  2. Actually, sometimes writers aren't all knowing. Sometimes we're just as surprised as our readers about what happens!;)
  3. Where do u get ur ideas from?
  4. Me? Everywhere! Songs, tv shows, other books, dreams, experiences, paintings or pictures, practically anything you can think of!;)
  5. Hi everyone im a writer an i havnt been on this before but i really wanted to meet some others writers and get to no each other so hey lol 
  6. You seem familiar... Hmmmm... Oh well. Hola!
  7. Hey Chocolate! If you are looking for anything to read, I would suggest the Battle Camp series by lady_marian. the first one is Battle Camp: The Rebellion.

    Also anything by iZaln is good too! Kimber's Fire Meets Ice is just getting started, but its pretty good, and Irin's long story Innocence is fanatastic if you have an hour or two lol
  8. Thanks fir recommending my series GlooMi!;) I'm not satisfied with the enemy though...
  9. Not the enemy, i mean ending!
  10. Weren't you going to write another series based on it?
  11. If i were you Lady. I'd try something new. That way you won't run out of ideas. It will also allow your creativity to flourish a little more
  12. I was going to write another series, but I have this other idea... And I'm completely re-writing the ending to the rescue, so it's not as boring and dull. It was boring!;( but this time my cherries will live!;) at least I hope so...
  13. I completely changed the ending!;)
  14. AAARRRGGG!!!


    My story is irritating me.
  15. Writer's Block? Or do you not like it anymore?
  16. Hmm...well there's a lot I want to edit. But I don't think that's the problem...

    Writers block? Quote the opposite really. there's too many things I want to fit in before the end.
  17. Have trouble deciding what to add?

    Innocence intimidates me. I want to read it, but the story just seems so... Long...
  18. That's the problem. It's length. And I know I have to add everything. I need to end at a certain point so the next one makes sence. I have a lot of typing ahead of me.