The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Kat's talking about killing herself.

    Please someone help. Msg her
  2. I read Enders game today. Very good. I ache to read the sequel.
  3. I have around twenty pages left to the sequel, Speaker for the Dead. You finally read Ender's Game. Kudos to you.

    Probably one of the best moments of this week!
  4. The second book in the Formic Wars series, a prequel series to Ender's Game. :D
  5. I got so pissed off today/yesterday.
    Some imbecile told me that The Beatles ripped Doctor Eggman from Sonic the Hedgehog in their hit song and one of my favourites 'I Am The Walrus'.
    Taking from the lyric "I am the eggman, they are the eggmen."

    I'm sorry but HOW THE HELL DOES THAT WORK!?

    I Am The Walrus was released as a single on the 24th of November, 1967, record on the 5th of September, 1967.
    It was written by Paul McCartney and John Lennon, the latter has been dead since the 8th of December, 1980.

    The first Sonic the Hedgehog game and appearance of Sonic the Hedgehog in mainstream media was released on the 23rd of June, 1991, on the Sega Genesis. This game featured Doctor Ivo 'Eggman' Robotnik as the final boss.
    In case you're still not following, let me add this, the Sega Genesis, the console the 1991 game 'Sonic the Hedgehog' was released on was released on the 29th of October, 1988.
    Almost 8 whole years AFTER Lennon died.

    So please explain to me how on Earth The Beatles ripped a lyric off of Sega's Sonic the Hedgehog.

  6. we have killed the cafe
  7. I would try starting a conversation but I have nothing to say
  8. I shall revive the cafe BY THE POWER OF GRAYSKULL
  9. I don't think that will work...
  10. But he man always makes things better
  11. So I was casually reading my book, listening to my iPod on shuffle when…

    Surprise 'Get Hyper' by Droideka comes onto my shuffle, so I just fell off my bed, spazzed out for 2 minutes 18s, then just stood up and continued my life as if nothing happened…

    Except I'm posting this, so not QUITE as if nothing happened, but near enough.
  12. I don't know any of these song people anyone here listens to. Dx
  13. The hint is in the name…
  14. That doesn't give me the magical ability to know who someone is...
  15. So the song messed with your brain? :shock:
  16. Get Hyper by a Star Wars drone which rolls into a ball and has a forcefield.

    eheheheheh I'm a nerd
  17. Oh shush, let me be a nerd