The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. I also agree though. I sit here all day on a crappy computer that runs Minecraft (the 5 times I've played it) at 10 fps.
  2. An indefinite amount of time.

    Moose did grace us with his testing.
    However I'm not sure the last time we had a modegator drop in on the Café.
  3. Belle used to be a regular back in her early days of modergating.
  4. A mod agrees with me, in FF? This IS a day of reckoning.

    Smighter, the computer I plan on building should be able to run Battlefield 4 on Ultra at at least 70 FPS, and CoD: Ghosts on Ultra at at least 120 FPS.
    So that would mean I could play Minecraft on...,
  5. I hate you Phoenix. Hate you so much.


    How much is it costing you? .,.
  6. $800- $1100 or so, I think.
    But I think I'm going to buy it all by Black Friday, so if it's $1100 it might be instead $800.
    My budget is something like $800. Anything more and I may have to go into my reserves.
  7. Aaand respect for Phoenix dropped…

    You put BF4 and CoD:Ghosts in the same league.
    For shame…
  8. Noes! You misunderstand! I was just showing off the sexy power.

    I would never put them in the same league. BF4 has it all.
  9. Blegh, being mute sucks elephant balls.

    I'm not actually mute, I've just lost my voice. >_>
  10. That sounded seriously wrong @my post.

    Dave, you're hoarse?
  11. CoD:Ghosts is not a good show off of power.

    Crysis 3 and Far Cry 3:Blood Dragon are good indicators of power.
  12. No, like I literally can't talk. I can barely whisper.
  13. :(

    Para, those are pretty much the only specs I know.
    And I believe BF4 is and will be harder to run than Crysis 3. FarCry 3 too.
  14. I downloaded a mod for skyrim that turns a dragons into macho man randy savage. It is amazing
  15. I prefer dragons. Much more awesome. :)
  16. It is literally midnight-fuckin-thirty and I have school tomorrow and I will be falling asleep on the first day back in homeroom, but I give like so many cares.

    No, really, I don't give a crap.
  17. I've been getting only five hours of sleep the past few days. But I shall probably finish this book by tomorrow, and then I will be free of its grasp.

    Problem is, I just got out the second book of The First Formic War by Orson Scott Card (it's a prequel series to Ender's Game)…
  18. Nah the macho man beats all
    And that could be a good thing Dave, if you ever need to do a lot of schoolwork at least you can stay up late enough to complete it
  19. Why the hell do we have 3 sign up threads, all doing the same crappy, generic genre of story with 3 people just copy pasting their characters to one another's thread?
  20. I don't know, but it's payhetic