My life is boring. I'm athletic; into parkour, can roll well, and vault very well. I'm ADHD. I've been reading seriously since 10. I'm a 15 year old heterosexual male, just making sure you know. I've been playing Halo since I was 8, and watched Lord of the Rings at... 6 or something. #JewishAndProud I get bored easily, but there's nothing for my brain to occupy itself on, because I finished most of my VideoGames... At least 5 times. My mouth works faster than my brain; it just does. I get in trouble easily, that^ also has something to do with it. I've always been ahead in English. I have a thing for Math. Sadly, I only got a pathetic 88% on the Integrated Algebra Regent, and an even sadder 94% on the Biology Regent. Seriously though, ask my any High School Biology question. I should know it, even though it's been 3 months. My favorite genres of music are Pop and Dubstep. Favorite Pop artist: Demi Lovato. Favorite Dubstep artists: The Glitch Mob, Bassnectar. I'm a Republican. I don't really know what else to talk about in my excessively boring life currently; this took me 4 minutes to write. Dave ain't got **** on me.
School starts next week for me too. then again, 5 hour practices for football is just as bad as school.
I think I'm going to post my life on the next page, as these late posts don't seem to get the non-attention they deserve.
Spacer, just for Phoenix to have his wittle list first next page. I don't post autobiography fact lists.
Aww, thanks Mal. If I were to include something that would allow you to find out about my identity, my list would be longer. Oh, By the way, I forgot two things. Reporting with two/three more fun facts. My life is boring. I'm athletic; into parkour, can roll well, and vault very well. I'm ADHD. I've been reading seriously since 10. I'm a 15 year old heterosexual male, just making sure you know. I've been playing Halo since I was 8, and watched Lord of the Rings at... 6 or something. #JewishAndProud I get bored easily, but there's nothing for my brain to occupy itself on, because I finished most of my VideoGames... At least 5 times. My mouth works faster than my brain; it just does. I get in trouble easily, that^ also has something to do with it. I've always been ahead in English. I have a thing for Math. Sadly, I only got a pathetic 88% on the Integrated Algebra Regent, and an even sadder 94% on the Biology Regent. Seriously though, ask my any High School Biology question. I should know it, even though it's been 3 months. My favorite… genre/type of books are Sci-Fi and Fantasy. My favorite books include: Pretty much any book by Orson Scott Card, the Partials series by Dan Wells, and the Monster Blood Tattoo series by D. M. Cornish. My closest friend and I have known each other for a solid 8 years so far. The dies day I met him I threatened him with my little insults and fists on the bus (no, I'm not a bully, I just thought that I could use my older brother who was also on the bus to give me some small feeling of power. It didn't work), and threw chairs at him in class the same day. I blame it on my ADHD. My favorite genres of music are Pop and Dubstep. Favorite Pop artist: Demi Lovato. Favorite Dubstep artists: The Glitch Mob, Bassnectar. I'm a Republican. I don't really know what else to talk about in my excessively boring life right now; this took me 4 minutes to write. Dave ain't got **** on me.
I'm ADHD, I'm active and good at math and English.. I'm shy as hell but pretend I'm not to pass off as a "cool kid"
My life is boring. I've been reading seriously since 10-11. My favourite genre of books are Sci-Fi and fantasy.
My life I like food I play water polo I'm an above average student but definitely not great by any standard That's it -_-