The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. I'm online ;(
  2. psst

    peeled grapes are good
  3. If you know me so well as Para, then just continue to call me Para, I know people that call me a name I haven't used in over 2 years, doesn't stop them.

    And an interrobang is this awesome little piece of punctuation '‽'
    Here's hoping that it will appear.

    In the words of Wikipedia an Interrobang can be described as:
    A sentence ending with an interrobang asks a question in an excited manner, expresses excitement or disbelief in the form of a question, or asks a rhetorical question.
    For example:
    Say what‽
    She's pregnant‽
    In informal English, the same inflection is usually notated by ending a sentence with first a question mark and then an exclamation mark, or vice versa.
  4. 0.0 interrobangs look awesome. Were can I get one!?
  5. They'll find you.
  6. In a standard word document, put num lock on a press and hold Alt and press 8523 at the same time.
    Alternatively, copy paste the Wiki articles.

    I'm sure it's on all these Unicode apps but the easiest way to get it on iOS would be to just email yourself an interrobang from PC and copy paste it.
  7. In Soviet Russia, punctuation puts you in your place. ;)
  8. My laptop don't want me to read Homestuck. :c
  9. I haven't posted in a while, been lurking.

  10. Well you just defeated the point of lurking then.
    Shame on you.

    *slaps wrists*
  11. *With a slapwatch*

    Ho, Smighty.
  12. Bluh, I want to post my poetry but I don't want to because plagiarism.
  13. So then how is it "your" poetry? o_O
  14. Nah, she's worried people will steal her poetry.
  15. I think that's paranoid.
    I'm very subtle, aren't I?
  16. Your words, not mine.
  17. School started today… blegh.
  18. I still have another week (technically for me) until school starts up.