The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Geez, Spencer suuuuucks, he won't rename 'Paradox'.
  2. My middle name is such a meanie! :O
  3. I happen to like all my names :3
  4. I can never find one of those named mugs that has my name. :(
  5. I can barely pronounce my middle name…
  6. My middle names are easy :3
  7. I only have one.
    I'm just too boring.
  8. You greedy little/big/medium size man/woman/boy/girl/creature.
  9. You should know my gender! D:
  10. I should, I own one of you.

    Also grow, you cost more than one of Choco's many alts with a 10th of her stats.
  11. Para, who's Spencer? A dev?
    I have two really old names. One of them I like... My middle name is "Berthold". Seriously WTH.
  12. My parents have this thang for old names.
  13. Spencer is a developer.

    Also, despite the fact no user is using the name 'Interrobang', the game won't let me change my username.

    But yes, that hopeful will be my new username.
    If the devs respond to passive aggressive email,
  14. You need the nobs. Otherwise they won't change it.
    Been there, done that.
  15. I do.
    I have 23, I bought it far and square.
    I spent £1.38 on it, and I expect my name change from £1.38.
  16. Ah, see, Steve is a solid dev, he freed up this username for me.
  17. I'm totes a girl btw.