I've always had my quadrants straight. (I'm pretty promiscuously pale, actually.) Also, happy anniversary.
I had to go through about 10 min of page scrolling on PC to figure out mine, but I was wrong about my KaWniversarry, it's Sept 04, not 15 Bander, you joined on Dec 26, 2012. Is this a second account?
No previews damnit. The only things I have planned (I lied a little) are the setting and naming one of the characters Isaias. I might change that name, actually - it's a little hard to read.
You know what I hate? When people say, it's our/my 'x' month anniversary. YOU CANNOT HAVE A MONTH ANNIVERSARY, IT'S AN ANNIVERSARY. MEANING ANNUAL, MEANING YEAR. NOT MONTH. /end rant