The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. You two are perfect together. :3
  2. Perfectly perfct!
  3. It's getting weird now...
  4. It's the Internet everything is weird
  5. Excuse me

    But I believe I have word-vomited my entire life story at Smighter. **** off m8
  6. I don't know what's going on anymore... o-o
  7. You're not supposed to call a cat a kitten.
  8. Especially after the specified cat associates a lot of mental an physical trauma with that nickname.
  9. Dayum. What happened?
  10. Also, I am determined to have the 2k post
  11. Lots of painful death. And self-harm. And suicide. And lots of not-so-pretty details.
  12. But really

    Vine videos

    Best thing ever
  13. I'm also trying to write happy things and fluff. I can't write happy things unless it's pr0n...
  14. I have no idea what I'm even doing here.
  15. I will edit some epic thing in there tomorrow.
  16. OMG **** YOU! I WAS GOING TO GET THAT! I got 1K! POST ****-ing FARMER!