The Writer's Academy

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by cheesemuffin, Oct 16, 2011.

  1. I'm surprised. This system made itself!

    *pays all teachers three yen*
  2. 3 yen? Come on cheese, thats like, nothing in american money. Stop being cheap and get us some CHEEESSSSEEEEECAKKKKKEEEEE!
  3. So, can we have a project on writing a chapter on a zombie apocalypse?
  4. How about this?

    The world is about to end. You choose how/why/when ect. Make it interesting. Blah Blah blah....

    Yeah...that was just an outline. I was actually thinking about having them do stuff with adjectives.

    i.e. Paint me a picture. The screen is your canvas, the keyboard is your paintbrush. I want a landscape. What time of year is it? Is there a meadow? An ocean?

    But ultimately the choice is up to...cheese? Who should really consider paying us in cheesecake...
  5. *takes cheesecake out of vault*
    *gives cheesecake to every teacher*

    I know what tomorrow'a assignment will be, btw.
  6. Make it like a story you need to write, those are fun to make...
  7. I want to enroll
  8. You're enrolled then.

    Welcome to The Writer's Academy!
  9. Can I just give a student a review for their work (that hasn't already gotten it)? Just asking.
  10. Is ittoo late to write my segment?
  11. Student: Beriadanwen
    Critic: OkamiAmaterasu
    Topic: Write a scene about a thief escaping from the heist.

    Overall Grade: A

    Writing Style: A
    Flow: A
    Description (adjectives): B
    Grammar: A
    Beginning/Ending: A
    Characters: B
    Setting: B
    Emotion: A
    Dialogue: B+

    Comments: Your writing style is excellent and very descriptive, though you could've described your characters more. The text flows nicely and I haven't encountered any "bumps" while reading it.

    I really like how you describe what your characters are wearing without actually telling the reader, if you understand what I mean. The emotions in the characters are very descriptive and I can really understand how they are feeling without you simply saying "He was agitated."

    Your beginning intrigued me. You told the reader what the crime was and a bit about who the characters are. Even though you describe emotions very well, your description of your characters appearances was mostly limited to their clothing, making it hard to visualize the characters. You described the culprit in an excellent manner, though. He was shrouded in mystery and you made the reader fear him.

    Now to the setting. I had a hard time figuring out where this story took place the first time I read through it, but after analyzing the use of words, the exotic names and some of the finer details I concluded that the story took place in a fictional world, probably in some kind of medieval time. Was I right? I don't think the average reader would guess where this story took place by just reading casually.

    Your dialogue gave the reader the most information about the story, but maybe it was a bit too much of it? I don't know, maybe I'm just being picky. Your use of words was natural and smooth, which helped heighten the mysterious effect.

    Overall, I really liked the story. It intrigued me and I found myself pondering over what happened next and who the man in the mask was. Of course there's room for improvement, but it was very, very impressive for a first assignment.

    Congratulations on your first A!
  12. Can I join ?
  13. Can I write the heist one?
  14. I think it may be too late. Wait for today's story assignment.
  15. Do I have to do student report cards too?
    (Sorry I went MIA for a day...)
  16. Thanks for the grade Okami :) I'll describe the characters more this time around.
  17. Yes, Stora :3

    I'm going to post the assignment in about an hour, got homework to do. Lots of homework.