The Word Machine (game)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by --Mule, Jan 1, 2015.

  1. You get wooden stool.

    I put in a box of chocolates!
  2. And you get back two boxes of chocolates!

    I put in a Spirit Beard!
  3. You take out a real beard

    I put in nothing…
  4. And you get I big fat turd

    I put a rock of ______ in.
  5. And you get /////// out.

    I put a can of whup ass in.
  6. You get the Queen of England out.

    I put some feedback to the devs in.
  7. And you get a thoughtful reply in return!

    I put in a message saying:
    "Good Morning, Kawers!!"
  8. You get stripped

    I put in Zaft
  9. And you get Kotfe in return!

    I put in 2 Nobility Points!!
  10. You get 3 Nobility Points!

    I put in a bird
  11. And you get 5 Nobility Points!

    I put in a message saying:

    "Yo, Wazzup!!

    I hope you have a great day, Kawers!!" :lol:
  12. You get tickets to go to Paris or Indonesia with your lovely one. Choose one.

    I put in a glass of lemon tea.
  13. And you got a glass of Apple Tea!

    I put in one seal of the damned!
  14. You get a can of Coca Cola.

    I put in a piece of paper contains my KAW username and password.
  15. You got a message saying:

    "Hi, I got the paper you wrote but then I throw it away!!"

    I put in a brand new mineral bottle of water!
  16. You get half slide of pepperoni pizza with Italian cheese.

    I put in a broken eyeglasses.
  17. You got back the same eyeglasses, repaired and brand new to the condition before you use it for the first time!! :D

    I put in a broken shoe!
  18. You got a red high-heeled foot wear with a note, "Use it or give to someone else."

    I put in my home key.
  19. And you unlock the door to your house

    I insert a disc...
  20. And you see a short movie where you and 99 other kawers team up together to slay down Thorak The Destroyer!!

    I put in a phone!