The War on Drugs

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by GoldenTroll, Aug 29, 2016.

  1. You are my addiction.
  2. I have an addiction to bondage love of mods.

  3. I feel special :)
  4. Who knows. Differaint societies differient cultures. Legalizing drugs in the US could be beneficial. Or it could have an adverse effect and fug up everything instead.

    Suddenyl I can imagine water supplies being contaminated with meth..
  5. Well if we compare the number of people who abused drugs before the drug war, and now, you would realize that it hasn't gone up or down, it's been the same no matter what the laws were. But while drug use has not gone up or down, incarceration has gone nothing but up. By 4X since then I believe.
  6. War on drugs is an excuse to modern day slavery. US build more prison for profit every year than hospitals. US penalty to minor drugs violation like weed user is rediculous compare to other country like Canada. Some caught few grams of weeds can get you 5 years in US prison. Five years making furniture and other products for 5 cents an hour
  7. U saying Coke, heroine, meth shud be legal or?

  8. I'm sorry, where did they say it was an addiction?
  9. I agree immensely to legalize it, I live in Washington where it is legal. They taxed the crap out of all of the Marijuana that is sold here, and all of the farms. I don't agree with the use of Marijuana for any situation. But either way people are going to get ahold of it, so why not legalize it? If we tax it like crazy it won't matter because people are still going to buy it. We should legalize it our country is going down in multiple ways but if we legalize it we will get that much more revenue to not only help the country's debt problem but solve the many problems across the U.S. Like roads and public properties. Hilary of course would probably just throw it all in the dump cause she's an idiot but if we have the right person leading that front such as a business man (Trump) it can get to the right places to help out economy. Feel free to debate me ;)
  10. You think meth doesn't make many people violent? ... -violence/

    And you think drunk driving doesn't kill enough people to be able to say "drink driving kills people" and be correct? Surely I don't need to provide a link for that.
    Might be best for me to mark your comment as the last I read as a lot of you seem to be trying to troll.
  11. Careful.. Don't say something like this in rl.
    It would surely get you killed. Announce something like this to other countries then your international policies would be ruined.
    After all, your country, with its erratic stance, invited terrorists in.
    Taxes wouldn't solve anything. Because your citizens' life expectancy would go down.
    What is applicable to MJ is not very effective for meth, opiates, x, etc.
  12. This guy I can talk to. And I'd support this so long as it was used for medical reasons only.
    The only problem I have with what you said is trump being a good businessman. He literally told a female reporter to get back in the kitchen on live tv. He needs a marijuana farm shoved up his dumb arse.
  13. I would obviously never say that in public as I am not a political figure I will say it and have said it around my fellow friends arguing the subject. I am not an idiot enough to say that in front of other people
  14. The war is real!

    Just paid $90 for a quarter of kush :( :lol:
  15. Thats not my point at all, i've seen n met 1000's of these ppl with my own eyes n body & i have read 100+ studies, alot con, alot pro, either way they all lack the sort of research that legal drugs have had to b greater standardised & less risky. You are stereotyping, i agree that ofc ppl get violent on meth but so do ppl sober lol my point is i'm not encouraging drink driving or meth use, i'm encouraging less war and more education & tolerance to treat the issues based on the individual users needs instead of sum made up general perception of how most addicts behave.
  16. There has been countries that legalized the use and possession of drugs and crimes have dropped.

    "They got a war on drugs so the police can bother me."
  17. People keep on talking about how drugs can provoke violent behavior, or that people will be high and driving.

    Please tell me how it's any different from alcohol?

    When we say "Legalize weed" that doesn't imply legalizing driving under the influence. People who are willing to break the law, aren't going to respect any law, people are still doing drugs despite the laws, and all were doing is ruining their lives further than they are. Now they're drug addicts and "criminals".

    If someone wants to ruin their lives, who are we to stop them? If I want to live at home and never work a day in my life, are you going to incarcerate me too? You can never be free with a big government dictating what a healthy lifestyle is, nor will you be when they force you to live by that dictation.
  18. Cannabis the plant has medicinal value and the government knows, it's been researching it for years, the government even has their own cannabis farms.

    Personally I would rather inhale or eat a plant than man made chemicals.
    I believe people should have the right to choose how they deal with sickness.
    If I were to ever get cancer you can bet yer big o booty I won't be seeking societies idea of treatment, injecting poison.

    Drugs can come in all forms and if it is illegal that is the chance you take.
    The government has given child molesters, murderers and "the other thing that I can not type" less prison time than someone with drugs.
    That is a problem, drug addicts can be rehabilitated, I'm not so sure about molesters.
  19. Why use a farm when you have a garage?