Suptis you ain't the judge , jury and executioner on what's a good thread and your opinion doesn't count for everyone on kaw.Go back and hit your h.t.e .Everyone has their own forte and your preference looks like hitting h.t.e is your goal right now.don't dare try judge others because we don't think like you.individualarity rules the day and I couldn't careless about big stats.
Omg. I read your thread. 135 comments made... 51/135 comments were yours... and was similar to this. Please leave. And 8,000 Views? Nice. Where do you find that stat? #Rekt
Suptis no one likes you. Now go die you impersonator before I leak everything you 'pretend' to be. Irrelevant freak.
Suptis no one actually wants you here. OP just say leave my thread Suptis. If they continue they'll get a forum ban
TY roni for directing me to Computer Forums. If you look at my Forum - Free "Nobs" it has over 37,000 views. I wouldn't have been able to find it withouy your help. 37,000 v 10,000. K
Well done suptis I'm happy for you. Death has now put all s.r onto me because this thread exposed his wall lies Lol.But he is not showing his screenshots he claims he took.All he does is bluff n fob off his constant lies on his wall and not proving me wrong.