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Discussion in 'Strategy' started by xXP_3X_Tz-ToXiCxZoNe-Tz_XP_3Xx, Jul 25, 2014.
Nice jonathon keep working for it
Great job on the post
146 and 148 on br
Thread updated
Bump to top of AT Lots of people looking for #s
NML drops 957
In TS I've received 118 to 128
116 From summoner
Toxic, good job
209 from Smoke Signals yesterday
Origins 0
TGL- 0
Anyone know if you just drop in at the end of the EB do you still get a regular amount of hornets?
Yes string, you still get hornets
As much as everyone else?
153 On battle royale u need to change
You gtet as much as you would if you joined at beginning and did same amount of damage/actions
Evanescence - 69 hornets
Why are we not funding this? Lol
I unloaded 2x in a RotWB and got 48 Next eb I attacked like 8 times and got 44