The Unofficial Official Emerald Hornet Tracking Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by xXP_3X_Tz-ToXiCxZoNe-Tz_XP_3Xx, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. Toc pays zero
  2. Thank you Thunder :)
  3. here's a tip. Nobody cares about your eb fairy promotion thread.
  4. Awakening:25 hornets
  5. Ok nightmare, you got your payback :lol:
  6. [​IMG]

  7. Zero on haunting
  8. Zero on TSG with 3 xtals and an unload. I've been getting 106-162 on HTE in the past 13 hours (since promo started)
  9. Mrng Tsg 306,,, now TS 156
  10. Wow the op made this thread really nice. Thanks for the detailed list of which ebs drop how many Hornets, will definitely be using this a lot.
  11. 122 on HtE 2x in a row.
  12. The awakening drops 26
  13. Destroyer - zero. Nilch. Nothing. 
  14. We all know there will be one unpaid eb that will drop as much as HtE and almost everyone will do it. Like NML lol