The Unofficial Official Emerald Hornet Tracking Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by xXP_3X_Tz-ToXiCxZoNe-Tz_XP_3Xx, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. WW gives 0 hornets
  2. 14-320 on origins
  3. anyone found anyhting new dropping good hornets yet? or still hte cus devs need new speedboat this month>
  4. Girth they got new speedboats last promo they're getting new vacation houses because the ones from feather promo aren't good enough anymore 
  5. I need psion drop not hornets 
  6. 170 to 200 on reg haunting
  7. Scionic Storm: between 400 and 600 hornets. Alt got 422, this account 597.

    Was also an unlock
  8. TFC dropping round 300
  9. Tsg gives around 700-990
  10. Update your thread op
  11. Plz update thread
  12. 1007 from TSG.
  13. 620 hornets from TSG with 281 actions, 440 hornets on an alt with 107 actions
  14. Can't update thread unless I have hit numbers. Please start letting me know hit numbers :)
  15. I got 739 hornets from TSG from 225 actions
  16. BUMP

    Where we at? Which one is kicking out them bees?
  17. Tsg, tfc along with the paid for ebs are the ones I know for sure are still dropping hornets a plenty. Ss might be but I haven't done the eb to know for sure.

    Regular haunt, br are dropping 100 or less per time.
  18. Awakening blood rains 49
  19. Other than HTE...where did the swarms shift?
  20. TSG-781 hornets-500 actions