The Unofficial Official Emerald Hornet Tracking Guide

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by xXP_3X_Tz-ToXiCxZoNe-Tz_XP_3Xx, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. The despair drops 0
  2. Sorry guys i wasn't meaning to sound negative. I just felt sorry for OP. He did all that work and so did everyone else just to have the devs change it. Damn.
  3. despair 0
  4. testing to the chamber now, let you know in 20 min
  5. Destroyer drops ~300
  6. I heard haunt is dropping around 100. Not Confirmed Yet. Ill test soon or ask around from friends.
  7. Haunts are dropping between 80-110
  8. Have seen as much as 600 from tsg.
    Getting 100-200 from reckoning

  9. BIG FAT 0
  10. 537 sleeping giant
  11. Awakening 66, but appears only 1 or 2 maybe, others get 0
  12. The Destroyer is dropping 260-300. Could be more but that's what my clan mates reported.
  13. 98 for battle royal
  14. Evanescence dropping about 150
  15. Destroyer: 277
  16. thank u for the effort on this thread toxic