The Universe is NOT Infinite [Strong Evidence]

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by IlII_x_BlackHandDicty_x_IIlI, Feb 14, 2015.

  1. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    Zeth, read through the replies of this thread.
  2. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

  3. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    I read somewhere that TheBig Bang as we know it could have resulted from a collapsing universe or black hole. This expanding and collapsing could have occurred many times over
  4. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    You heard it from me you jerk read every frickin page of this thread after the page I joined in!!!!-.-
  5. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    Mercutio, just because you had an idea, and stated it, doesn't mean it was clear to everyone the way it was clear to you, or that it hasn't been said before.
  6. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    Balto, that is a very popular theory.
  7. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

  8. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    Infinite expansion is an expansion that has an infinite duration not something infinite of size that expands or shrinks.
  9. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    I know but I'm accelerating my scientific career through every stage a scientist goes through in an attempt to find out a stage of scientificness not previously known. I'm at the anger stage.
  10. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

  11. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    I don't have time to read your dribble. Just thought I'd join the post without claiming to be an expert perhaps when your science career fails you can go back to flipping burgers
  12. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    You're brilliant already.
    Wait until you realize "The Truth"

    That people with AB RH- Blood are lizards, and we aren't alone on this planet.
  13. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    Eternity is not a number it represents infinite how can we reach some thing limitless your argument depends on eternity being a reachable number
  14. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    I think you're looking at this the wrong way.

    First, when they say the universe is infinite, that is already surpassing any logic. So saying that it is also expanding would make no difference. Second, if it keeps expanding, that is a form of infinity on its own. If something keeps expanding, without stopping, it is techniqually infinite, as it keeps getting bigger and bigger.

    Also, when you say that we can't go through an eternity over and over, we don't need to. It keeps going. Meaning we are still on the path to an eternity.
  15. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    What I want to know, even if it were possible, what happens if you go past the end of the universe?
    Is it just black with nothing there yet?
    Or is that heaven lol.

    That's some Doctor who type stuff.
  16. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    This all looks so interesting. If only I could read
  17. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    After reading most of this thread's comments it worried me that nobody gets the idea of expansion and infinity right. Something infinite can most definitely expand, BUT not become bigger.

    Look at this example:
    We take all natural numbers:
    Now I'm going to expand this set with -1
    The new set:
    The set just expanded, but is still infinitely large just as large as it was before.

    Now here comes the trick with an infinitely large universe.
    First I want you to imagine a line or a one dimensional space. When I bend this one dimensional space around a circle(two dimensional space). I can create an infinite path length because of the line not ending anywhere but still we can fully understand it's size. Now we only have an infinite path, but not an infinite line so we have to do a little more.

    Now I take a sphere. We can still wrap around our line around the sphere but we can also do it infinitely many times while the lines not cross or overlap because they have no width. Now I have a real infinite line and when I blow up my sphere the line will expand as well. Something infinite that does expand. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?!!?!? jk

    Now what you also realised is that the surface of a sphere(2-dimensional space) also has no beginning or ending. So we can make an infinite surface path, but not yet an infinite surface.

    This takes us to the next step. Let's take a four dimensional 'sphere'. It of course has a three dimensional surface. We can now make an infinitely large two dimensional space in this three dimensional surface that expands when we blow up our four dimensional sphere :D

    But wait we live in a three dimensional space. Ok let's take a five dimensional balloon with a four dimensional surface area and three dimensional infinte spiral. We expand the balloon we expand our infinite universe :D

    TL DR

    3 dimensional structure -> 2 dimensional surface with infinite path -> 1 dimensional infinite space

    4-> 3 -> 2

    5 -> 4 -> 3
  18. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    A sphere is 3 dimensional, dude. A circle is 2 dimensional.
  19. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    Reply of someome who clearly does not understand what I just mentioned.

    Btw I said: 'surface of a sphere(2-dim)' not 'sphere(2-dim)'
  20. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    I don't speak Greek.