Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof] Yes insanely dense hence my theory they could explain the BIG BANG or BANGS
Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof] So, kind of like the Big Crunch, but caused by over-compression of mass?
Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof] Now the energy from a black hole wouldn't be creating the mass let's say it kept the mass and rather than imploded spreader the mass around in an explosion. That could work.[/quote] At this point I'm just bumping so others see my ignorant genius.
Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof] Yes i can agree a BIG CRUNCH followed by a BIG BANG or vice versa n continuing on infinitely. Followed by the anti-matter n matter war.
Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof] Hey my theory I copyrighted it.Also don't look into that. 0.0
Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof] Possibly the universe or multi-verses r a perpetual thing of beauty n science.
Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof] What if humanity are all just highly advanced Sims running on someone's supercomputer? And the universe we see is just generated whenever we look at it? We percieve it as infinite and expanding because more of it is generated as we develop the technology to see more and more.
Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof] Ok but seriously every theory on this thread can be linked together seemingly perfectly. Therefore I'll be suing all of you for intellectual theft of my theory because of a technicality.
Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof] Pretty much what I've been quoting myself say for the last three pages 0.0 jerk
Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof] Oooo... Maybe there are universes inside universes; Black holes collect matter ad eventually explode from over-compression of mass, releasing everything inside it. Then, the universe that existed with that black holes is expanded due to the creation of a new universe...
Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof] Oh my god is he really the one who gets credit for what I said pages ago :cry: well eh to be fair I built my theory off of other theories and connected them to make sense now I shall ramble in shame.
Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof] How do you know the universe is expanding at the same speed?
Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof] My theory isn't based on time travel or anything like that, which is what you made yours look like
Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof] NASA did a 9 year experiment. This is what they found: "...The density of the universe also determines its geometry. If the density of the universe exceeds the critical density, then the geometry of space is closed and positively curved like the surface of a sphere. This implies that initially parallel photon paths converge slowly, eventually cross, and return back to their starting point (if the universe lasts long enough). If the density of the universe is less than the critical density, then the geometry of space is open (infinite), and negatively curved like the surface of a saddle. If the density of the universe exactly equals the critical density, then the geometry of the universe is flat like a sheet of paper, and infinite in extent. Recent measurements (c. 2001) by a number of ground-based and balloon-based experiments, including MAT/TOCO, Boomerang, Maxima, and DASI, have shown that the brightest spots are about 1 degree across. Thus the universe was known to be flat to within about 15% accuracy prior to the WMAP results. WMAP has confirmed this result with very high accuracy and precision. We now know (as of 2013) that the universe is flat with only a 0.4% margin of error. This suggests that the Universe is infinite in extent; however, since the Universe has a finite age, we can only observe a finite volume of the Universe. All we can truly conclude is that the Universe is much larger than the volume we can directly observe."