The Universe is NOT Infinite [Strong Evidence]

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by IlII_x_BlackHandDicty_x_IIlI, Feb 14, 2015.

  1. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    I think gravity that influences the reduction in speed of expansion is the mass of everything within the universe's boundaries.
  2. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    Another great read today! Cheers op! And keep threads like this coming people of kaw.
  3. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    Space does have gravity it's just not very strong and the mass is very big over a million years it can show its effect or that's what is believed however pushing something at a rate of 0.000000000001ft/s2 isn't anything really
  4. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    The boundaries r still expanding and gravity requires mass. Space has no mass only the bodies with in it do. Unless the law of inertia is wrong.
  5. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    Universe is infinite, deal with it
  6. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    Well... If the universe is finite, then the boundaries are what is slowed. A finite universe with boundaries must have something to bounce back on, or stop against. Maybe there is mass there, at the end of the universe?
  7. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    We r discussing it. Deal with it 
  8. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    The current, widely accepted model for cosmology is λ-CDM. The universe appears (exactly) flat, and for "simplicity" the universe is infinite. Note that we distinguish between the observable universe (which is the local patch that light could have travelled between since the Big Bang) and the totality — we have constraints that even if the universe is not infinite, its size is many orders of magnitude larger than the observable one.

    In the literature (especially the popular science one) the details are very muddled, because the consensus around λ-CDM model is quite recent — relying heavily on detailed measurements of the cosmological microwave background radiation, largely done by WMAP in the last 8 years or so. In a sense, the lay reader should be exceedingly careful when she reads statements (even from heavy-weight scientists) regarding cosmology — it is (perhaps ironically) a fast moving field.
  9. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    Or maybe there is a multi-verse. If so the boundaries r established if our universe has adjacent universes n hence finite.
  10. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    Space itself has no mass what about a black hole that is a light year away? Yes it's far but it's gravity still holds. Very weak at that distance compared to being much closer but it still holds.
  11. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    Yeah I see what you're saying. Basically time always moves forward but I said you can only imagine time in the past without experiencing it.

    Ok so if time, by your thoughts, has a definite beginning and hasn't continuously advanced with no beginning, then how did it start? Lol
  12. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    That's what I was talking about if it's static it potentially would not also here's a theory of mine based on if it does collapse. that's a way time traveling WOULD be plausible if you think of each implosion as its own timeline (assuming of coarse that the energy would build up to do another go at it from it being condensed again after a while) and then that there is an infinite ammount of timelines you could travel to another timeline farther back than your own not necessarily through time, but through one of the infinite timelines each no different from the other in anyway except that the time each one is at and think of those infinite ones as one big timeline that repeats its timelines obviously if you traveled through a timeline you would in some way alter something which would change that big timeline thus changing every timeline after the one with which you've changed. You get my drift? I've thought this out but never wrote or spoke of it.
  13. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    Infinity cannot be measured, so that is flawless. It can't be flat and be infinite, because infinity, in this case, is everywhere and anywhere. Infinity of the universe is that the universe has no limits, and being flat contradicts that.
  14. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    A black hole sucks all things into it including light. It is still being studied. Who is to say black holes will not eventually suck the universe back into itself n once another BIG BANG occurs.
  15. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    Infinity is exactly what it end
  16. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    Interestingly some people consider them to be just a theory.
  17. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    Black holes are insane anomalies.

    Light is massless, so gravity shouldn't be able to affect it, but black holes are so dense, that they don't let light escape. It breaks the laws of physics.
  18. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    If it is ONLY no end, then there is assumed to be a beginning, which means it can be measured.

    Infinity should be no end, nor beginning.
  19. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    Think about it there is some dark that light can't or if it can BARELY can penetrate. Perhaps all the mass it sucks up causes it to be such a densely packed darkness that it's not that they suck up light but that they just block it?
  20. Re: The Universe is NOT Infinite [Proof]

    Could black holes be so powerful n suck up a universe eventually n perpetuate the creation of a new universe? That is if they r the origin that universes r born from. Furthermore if multiple black holes could that mean multi-verses.