It's more frustration than hate. Especially when valid points are just dismissed as "delusional". Don't feel bad, every country does it, but when you refuse to accept any responsibility it gets rather annoying.
From experience, trying to explain it to you would only be tiresome for me and annoying for you. The other lad made a decent stab anyway.
the usa uses econimic hit men in devolping countries by loaning then huge sums of money that the country could never hope to pay back. then when they default on the interest payment they start gobbling up said countries infastructure and privatize it to make profit. pretty genius. take over entire countries without fireing a single shot. then the united states gets the ppl they want into office of said country using that same debt or promiseing to loan more money as leverage. united states is boss. pretty much every country comes begging for our technology/weapons. think what u want. this nuclear deal is the beginning of a much broader plan. same thing that iraq had. the Iranians will refuse to dismantle everything or wont let inspectors in or somethinh. making the united states look good and that will give the usa the leverage it needs with nato and the world. then its all down hill for the Iranians. good ole USA launches 5 million dollar tactical cruise missles for a month on iran before moving in and taking what they want. MURICA!
I disagree with the outcry. Iran will be monitored the whole time and have very little to gain by blowing the whole world up, besides, they would just get nuked back even if they did. Then there'd be no humanity. Now you can't genuinely tell me that you believe they will actually do that?? If you think that will happen then in my honest opinion you are just as scummy as donald trump.