Relax. Why not give Iran a chance to re-enter the global market 'legally' and see if they reduce 'terrorism support', and 'sabre rattling militaristic' rhetoric? It's the 'common' work-a-day, decent Iranian people who pay the price for the governments politics. With all of the surveillance technology and information gathering technology available to 'the west', if Iran does pursue nuclear weapons do you really think they'll be allowed to keep them? No. It'll be the same result as Syria, Iraq, and N. Korea. The facilities will be given an hour or two notice to evacuate civilians, then 'boom'. With this token 'olive branch' of reconciliation with Iran, the world gets to see if Iran will pursue peaceful prosperity, or choose duplicitous militarization and political destabilization. Either way, everyone with a t.v. is going to find out. Either way, I'm never going to Iran...fakirs stone you to death, throw you off a roof and decapitate you for making out or masturbating. Fakir that insanity.
U.S. to blame bcus created a Dangerous Weapon. I always afraid if a nuclear bomb will bomb my city i hope the WWIII will not involve nuclear. I hate nuclear. Nuclear destroy anything and make water poisoned. When this happen water will become little. If Nuclear War will happened , human hard to live bcus civilizations destroyed, law will be nothing, water will be hard to find, humans will be canibal bcus animal will dead bcus poisoned and kaw will extinct and only written in history as number 1 mmorpg. The best war is WWI tht doesnt involve any nuclear and less water pollution
WW1 best ? Not sure by what you judge the relative historical wars but not sure there's even been a " best " . The U.S. May have created a nuclear bomb but there were several others trying hard to develop the ideas of nuclear fusion into a workable weapon.
yeah OP i see what ur saying. but our way of taking over a country is very complex. were giving them enough rope to hang themselves. we put these sactions on them and we know they wont abbide by them. gives us a excuse to send in the war machine.and make it look like it was there fault to the public. as for giving them money. look. up what a "economic hitman" is. united states govt is a thug and always will be.
Whilst I doubt that the USA will ever launch a conventional attack on Iran, I'm assuming the economic hit man you mentioned is related to the selling of government bonds etc. ...?
The Iranian people are those suffering the hardship of the sanctions that will be lifted. By aiding them in becoming a more developed commercial nation that is globally dependant upon trade will in time shift public hostility away from those who placed the sanctions. You cannot change a nation by forcing them to live in the stone ages. By encouraging growth and showing the people they can be prosperous and self supporting, as well as part of a global society, you remove a lot of the hostility that would encourage the arms race. Oppress them and they have more desire to build arms to support their people's freedoms. If they were forcing us to live in conditions we have forced upon them I am sure many of you would also fight for your freedom. As with all past aggressors. Economic stability leads to peace. Instability leads to war and social unrest.
️undoubtably the most idiotic thing I've ever read in forums. (Besides saltys posts, which are funny). Sir please stop taking acid and playing Fallout... I'm afraid it is becoming a reality for you.
Here are the words I want to put on the table- 1. Iran will allow NATO (and Israeli, but I'm not sure if they're NATO or not) investigators into all nuclear facilities with unrestricted access without warning to their facilities. And they can stay as long as they want to. 2. Iran will disable all nuclear facilities, no matter the nature. 3. Iran will disable all missiles that are capable of traveling more than 1 mile away from their takeoff source. 4. Iran will release all prisoners or inmates that are citizens of Israel and other NATO member countries, and will give all released prisoners a complete and full pardon. 5. Iran will no longer show hostilities to Israel, the US, or other member countries. Iran has 24 hours to sign and agree in full, or to prepare for war. We can make agreements like trade and sanctions after that.
They not only support terrorism. But bluntly say so in their own rhetoric. We are the great satan and Israel needs to be wiped off the map. What else does that mean? The people need to rise up or the future is bleak for all mankind. Something needs to be done.
Sure Frank. I'm sure the Iranians would agree to that. Or perhaps instead, they would see that as just another proof of, to their eyes, the unreasonableness of the U.S., and continue with their current plan of further enriching uranium to weapons grade, building new nuclear facilities, and not allowing any type of oversight or inspections, which is what they have now. Fortunately, the people who actually have a clue about negotiations, had a more realistic view on what could be accomplished through actual diplomacy, so that we would have inspections, and actual reduction of Iran's nuclear stockpile and facilities.
Mate. Mate. How much does US give Israel. Then when iran does something you're scared. Move on its life. I thought America was the so called "Greatest country of all time". But whereas in fact it is one of the worst. Innocent people die there daily. You have the second highest child in homeless people. That does not seem great at all. You have liars in office. Again not great at all. You make deals with other countries such as Israel. And you arm them you don't care. Then when you make a deal with iran you moan. Is it because you're scared that all you have done the past few centuries will come back and hit you bang on in the face. Well you should be there isn't a single continent you haven't pissed of. You killed 5 million innocent children during vietnam war. Which you had no right to invade in the first place. The soldiers they are just follow orders. I feel sorry for them to be under control of such terrible government. You have started more wars then the whole world combined after the 19th century. You have had your independence for i really don't care but most of it has been in war(probably around 229years). You have killed more than any other nation. You then call yourself great. I do not see great anywhere there. All I see is lies being feed to your children. I can tell them anything they will believe it. Society driven by ***. That's all they care about nothing else. You go anywhere all they think about is ***. I don't want to go further. I rest my case. Don't invite yourself to something you are not part of. One day all that you sought to make the world a better place. You will then see how wrong you were. Remember what goes round comes around. And that is the end of this discussion.
If they don't agree in full within 24 hours, we carpet bomb their capital building and every single military area, nuclear plant, etc. If they agree, there isn't a problem, and we take off some restrictions. If they don't, we go through with the bomb plan, they see that we aren't playing around. I'm sick of letting them do what they want. What we're doing is like asking a kidnapper nicely to stop grabbing you and shove you in their van. We're asking nicely to let inspectors see the facilities 24 days in advance. 17 of the 18 documents are unclassified. All 18 are locked up like they are classified, so there aren't any people getting the info. Why? If the deal is so great, why don't they let us see?
Hmmm i agree that only a fool would trust Iran to keep its part in any of this, n im nearly certain the US government knows this as well, so perhaps we are giving them rope to hang themselves with