Discussion in 'Wars' started by --NiGHTMARe_MaCHiNE--, Dec 8, 2012.

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  1. Oli im stupid yet you knew he was small but didnt know he had a reset badge?
  2. Think about has he partisipated in EE before?
    If so how would he not know that 300 mith is insaine amount of mith.
  3. It was new payout system. Wow ur dumb bro.
  4. Not outrageous to think they drop bonuses
  5. The devs have been changing the war bonus since day 1. This last war looked like they finally made EE worth our time. Not hard to think that was the new reward. And Even though the reward was a mistake. It was the devs mistake. Not nightmare's. they should have just left it alone and adjusted to the proper pay out this time. Not punish the players that participated.
  6. Yea what a 270 mith bonus. Who would think that would be correct? Just after they release new war items.
  7. If you give or pay to much by your own mistake in rl you have no rights to claim back anything. You can only ask nicely to get it back.
  8. Humpy - with the fail rates, and the amount of Mith that's being burnt, the bonus Op received actually seems kinda small.
  9. Yes but the devs dont just give out **** loads of mith the compensate for fail.
  10. Alu yes thats correct but its their game they can ban you with or with out reason and you cant sue, Becuse they didnt force you to pay to play. So technically the mith is still the devs
  11. Sir humps please leave my thread
  12. Im not derailing or spamming but because you couldnt fourmulate a reply to me i will leave.
  13. if i pay for something i get automatically a contract and i become a customer with my rights as customer. And what is written in a ToU of a company doesn't meant that ot must be confirm with the existing law.
  14. Sucks op lost all his mith. But he's pretty dumb also to think he actually won 300. Lesson learned right. :lol:
  15. Here's my actual thoughts instead of trolling while working...

    If it makes you mad(bro), then quit! Plenty of other ways to waste your time. I'm tired of seeing people ***** and moan about the devs. If you don't like the where the game is going, or who's in charge, or how much they butt pump you, then leave. Nothing worse for a business then to lose customers. Give them a one star rating with a well thought out comment of why you, a very dedicated customer, was forced to stop playing a game you loved do to lack of lube or even a returned phone call the next day.

  16. Wasn't mith drop in war supposed to be increased so it made sense to war also? And it's complete crap business to make a mistake then come back to the customer (in this case player) and say sorry we goofed so were going to correct our goof, ohh you spent the mith... Ouch that blows for you, oh well suck it up and deal with it, not our problem you won were rewarded mith spent mith and now were taking whatever you have left back.... And we might deduct what mith you get in future to recoup full loses...
  17. If this gamble took place in a casino and you won 5000$ on a machine by mistake went to counter cashed out. Later while in your room the casino sees mistake and says well let's bill his cc to get our 5k back...

    War is a gamble where you lose but when you win the gamble and are rewarded you're able to spend winnings but then told sorry we need that back...
  18. Hmm. This is a difficult topic. I can see both sides of the argument and definitively feel nightmare's pain.
    First, do the devs have the right to correct a mistaken payout? For example, if they mistakenly gave a player 100 trillion on doing a quest, do they have the right to take the 100 t back? If the answer is yes, then how the person spent the money is irrelevant and nightmare is in the wrong. If no, then nights mith should be restored.

    Second, how much personal responsibility is there? No one forced night to enchant and fail. What if his enchantments worked? Would we be seeing this thread at all?

    Last, it is up to you of course, but I'm not a fan of people who make threads, then threaten to farm if they don't rubber stamp their opinion. The best way to avoid trolls is not making the thread in the first place.

    Anyway, I hope things go well for you regarding this issue. Cheers. 
  19. I don't think it's fair to accuse the beneficiaries from profiting from the windfall. I also thought that dev introduced a lottery element to the reward payout (like the treasure or bronze bar in FoD). You can't blame OP for cashing it out, I prob would too.

    Nightmare, how about negotiating with dev abt returning the miths u spent and they take back the greaves. Therefore, both parties return to the original status before this screw up happened? With this clarified, you can then make the decision whether or not to buy and enchant the equipment (or at a slower rate).
  20. If your bank screws up and put an extra million in your account.. Are u gonna go and spend it all? If you do, guess what. You owe them a million bucks. Lol. Op is lucky they don't take more from him. Seems to me he owes the devs 100 mith. :lol:
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