Discussion in 'Wars' started by --NiGHTMARe_MaCHiNE--, Dec 8, 2012.

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  1. 20-30 feedbacks will probably get you blocked from their feedback
  2. 20-30 feedbacks seems pretty ridicules. That's spam :shock:
  3. It worked though lol
  4. People still not reading the thread.

    Op was only prepared to "risk" the Mith he had just earned. Not his stockpiled Mith.

    He spent his Mith he was prepared to risk (and lost out on enchanting - bad luck), then the Devs realized they made an error in the amount of Mith Op was rewarded.

    So they took his stockpiled Mith in attempt to correct their error.

    This is not fair.
    The Devs should restore Op to his position prior to the Devs error.

    The Devs have reported that they will not do this.

    The Op would not have chosen to leave himself with zero Mith.
  5. Thank u jail that is why I am so mad yes. But the thread is about how even ignoring my situation, crappy as it may be, that the wars don't pay enough anyways. At 20 mith a war to earn as profit it will take years to upgraded all these equipments.
  6. Then do a war against a bunch of osfs and dont forfet. The equipment is for people who system war constintly and have a big enough mith bank to buy them. They dont want eb noobs who had just bought a **** ton of mith to buy the equipment.
  7. I'm not quite understanding this...

    The devs are saying that they are stupid for the system they used...

    That's rather hypocritical as you must not be too intelligent to see that the mithril payout you got, obviously wasn't a legitimate payout... 300 mith?

    So did they not choose on their own behalf to use this mith blindly? How could you not see that, that was.

    a) Not correct.
    b) Not a good idea...

    I know, I know, it shouldn't have happened in the first place... But come on people, common sense and some initiative huh? Since when has anyone recieved 150-300 mith in a war?

    (My point of view.)

  8. What would the devs have done if mare had spent all of his mith on equipment and upgrades? Take his equipment away or restore to level 1? Maybe he would have to war with no reward to pay back the mith that the devs awarded him? Anyway you put it. The devs should have taken the loss, as it was their fault that the reward was too much mith. Not punish the player. I was going to war today when I had thought the reward of mith was actually worth it. Since they adjusted payout AGAIN. I backed out. I'm not wasting my time to get 20-30mith
  9. So if you are saying (if you had tons of money) and you were in a good mood and you write a check to a homeless person say for 5k but you write to many 0's you wouldnt ask to correct it or if you put 2 extra 0's you go get the check back?
  10. Humpy - once that cheque is cashed, there is not many avenues available for the payer to recoup those extra zero's.

    Maybe go into the homeless man trolley and steal his tin cans??
    I don't think so.
  11. No but they took back what he didnt spend and took it back. Its not like its impossible to earn back that mith
  12. Wow, butthurt provided by the devs! :lol:
  13. Why so small :c ^
  14. Ok humps. I will humor you. Say you did that. The homeless man went and spent it. And then saved enough for him to eat for a month. Would you take the things away or take all the rest of the money from him? Leave him with nothing? Maybe just have him work for you for free to repay the amount of money YOU screwed up, when writing the check. Only a degenerate would make him slave work or take away his food money.
  15. Hes reset enough to get the badge.

    Why so stupid?
  16. Humpy - this is a game, controlled by programmers that make money from its users.

    If the programmers make an error, they can fix and amend any resulting outcomes from their error.

    Look after the customer.
  17. They screwed up with you reciving all that mith. Im not say take his stuff after he spent it, i was saying would you not just ask him if you could change it?
  18. They fixed it. And did they not take back less than they gave?
  19. Humps you have severely embarrassed yourself. I'd advise you to leave and lick your wounds, maybe try and come back later with smarter replies? I know, highly doubtful, but still try.
  20. They took back less than they have because that's all he had left. Are you ignorant or too stupid to comprehend what happened. Maybe both by the look of things here
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