Discussion in 'Wars' started by --NiGHTMARe_MaCHiNE--, Dec 8, 2012.

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  1. I was actually in the caveman order. You can deny it but they are damn good.
  2. Absolutely correct BMAN, this game is a lottery, except you put real life money into it with no real life gain (maybe a personal satisfaction of defeating an opponent - that's it). Personally I have enjoyed KAW over the last almost 2 years I have been playing, but every update made over the last 2 years has not been for player satisfaction but merely ATA's pocket book expansion. We all complain about this and what do the devs do? Precisely, they continue to stick it where it hurts us. And yet here I am still playing this game I am so thoroughly addicted to. We should establish a special meeting for this and call it KA (kawaholics anonymous).
  3. As I already stated, It's great marketing by ATA. It's a free app so they need another source of income, they merely cater to those who generate the most income. You may not like it, but it is one damn good marketing scheme.
  4. If the devs screwed up and awarded "too much mith", then the devs should eat the loss. Not take away what was already awarded to the players. Some people have zero mith now that they "fixed" their mistake. That is complete crap, if you can't understand why mare is so mad, do us all a favor and off yourself. Make the world a better place, idiots
  5. Devs just responded. Say I am screwed. I will never get mith again.
  6. Mind showing that SS mare? I want to see it :/
  7. Support. EE war was ok the first few times but then they stared messing with the mith and stuff, it deteriorates, and players like mare get left in the **** cause of the devs screw ups.
  8. I'm glad I didn't try and fight in all the EE wars, that sounds brutal.
  9. I'm glad the devs are straight forward :lol:
  10. DEC 08, 2012 | 11:57AM PST
    Aaron replied:
    Unfortunately we cannot trade equipment for mith.

    A Thinking Ape Support
  11. So they won't trade me back. They just took all my reserves of mith
  12. U just wait till ur war is over so I can farm again
  13. Just in case people don't understand.

    I had 200 mith. I won 314. I then spent the 314 on upgrades. Then they "corrected" the mistake. And took my remaining 200 mith. And won't reimburse me now. I have zero mith
  14. All this equipment and stopped sales sucks!!
  15. Devs shouldn't even trade back. They should just leave the payout as it was. And fix it next time. Not the players fault that the devs can't get their **** together. Disgraceful act by the devs. That's like getting your pay check, paying your rent and bills. And the company saying "oops, you got too much money", going into your bank account and clearing the funds to reimburse their mistake. Devs
  16. I hate to break it to you, but "U" is not a word.
    Heartbreaking, I know.
  17. It's kind of like when we bought all the new defensive pots and then the Devs lower the price. Was anyone reimbursed? Nope.. They are only interested in screwing the players that actually play the game.
  18. Hate to break it to u shadow. But ur done growing. Welcome to pin ville
  19. "U"

    Denoting quantum states or wave functions that change sign on inversion through the origin.
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