Discussion in 'Wars' started by --NiGHTMARe_MaCHiNE--, Dec 8, 2012.

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  1. That was just soooooo bad ass baby -swoons-
    You showed me.
    Your complaints still invalid no one made you waste the mith.
  2. Do you guys know how to read?
  3. he thought he had more so he figured he would use it
  4. ^ apparently not
  5. At the reading part lmao
  6. I can read...

    I'm just drawing a blank on how to care.
  7. Oo wall links.
    To address said links.
    Not md insane. Hugeeeeee difference
    Insane is much more fun. But on a serious note.
    Even if you thought you had "more" no one made you use them like that. You could have stopped and tried later.
    It would have helped immensely (it has in fact been proven waiting between enchants ups the success rate don't gripe for free things because your impatient)
  8. Lady. U are so stupid. I feel bad for u. I did stop. With about 250 mith left. I woke up and they took every last mith I had saved. Keep it up sweetheart.
  9. I'm noticing a disturbing pattern..
    "U stupid, U no understand caveman" :|
  10. Love the name calling...
    And good for you.
    If you have an issue that need be addressed you know where to email the devs.
    All we can do is kinda stare at you
  11. It's not name calling to call a rock a rock. U dont understand the op. and u keep posting. Ergo. U are doing something stupid. So u are stupid.
  12. I understand that you are a bitter man that has experienced one too many letdowns and has developed a fascination with an early people group that shares the same IQ as you. :|
  13. I understand op fine . Want i should stare quoting it?
  14.  Farms. Thank you 
  15. Way to go Mare! Ready and waiting for the MaCHiNE Lords orders!
  16. this thread is full of lol... Assassins in here trying to be funny and lady is here just making mare mad. You are stupid How do you not understand op
  17. assassin do you know what a fail troll is?
  18. Plus they are making it so no one can earn myth any other way except these wars.
    So match up is a gamble as u could end up out gunned. Myth will be wasted as xtals and gold was for inferno and aqua.
    Next the devs will find a way to enchant equipment paid in cash, like the perm items in the orical.
    I'm very close to quitting! If I want to gamble then I'll by a lottery ticket . Seems this game is becomming a game of all risk, little reward.
  19. "Assassins"
    While I appreciate your effort to multiply your affection for me, I would advise you not to join your friend in the caveman order.
  20. Exactly bman. I didn't even touch in on if u were mismatched (like yesterday) now u guys are a war behind which will take 2 wins to recover from. It's such a stupid thing these wars. And mith.
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