the TRUE Acronym for Ebola

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Seth, Oct 27, 2014.

  1. Enjoy

    So basically, luminahtee cunfurmd and Stephen hawking = mlg dank scoping pro

  2.  y no [/img] 
  3. Because politics and threads about ebola always go well
  4. When did Fox News start making threads in kaw?
  5. That's a good acronym. Respect to that acronym.
  6. Ty snowman 
  7. If I may pose a slightly off topic question, what's it like being a dinosaur Mr. Rex?
  8. It's amazing! Someone makes me mad? I JUST EAT THEM
  9. I see.. I'll be sure to be on the finest of behaviors then.
  10. Can you eat ebola? If no is the answer Obama is to blame.
  11. Is Barock the brother of Barack?
  12. Yes, and yes
  13. Just FYI, wasps taste like Ebola
  14. Everyone
    Obama and
  15. I lost brain cells reading this. I will never be able to get them back...
  16. You can blame Obama for that too!
  17. It's actually a river near where the first outbreak was recorded, but well why spoil a joke that's only taken a few months to think up.
  18. I love Devils 
  19. Yeah those liberals with their crazy behaviour and ideas like these.

    willing to respect or accept behaviour or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas.
    "liberal views towards divorce"
    (in a political context) favouring individual liberty, free trade, and moderate political and social reform.
    "a liberal democratic state"
    synonyms: progressive, advanced, modern, forward-looking, forward-thinking, progressivist, go-ahead, enlightened, reformist, radical.