The tower build (CanadianGal read this)

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by RoK__Hobbit__RoK, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. CG told my main her secret vulnerability for tower build  dont worry im not gonna snitch CG :) it was a pleasure warring u and the rest of zaft faith whenever that was… prob like a month ago lmao
  2. My build 
  3. My build...
  4. Sorry... Didn't think first one went through... 
  5. Sucks. Nothing you can do :lol: .
  6. @CG or u cud fight with 0 gold which keeps high spy's for sct bombs... :)
  7. How many colonies is that?
  8. Tower Builds confuse me
  9. Alright. I have to throw a HUUUGGEEE curve into this! All this "tower" build talk, Shouldn't it be "fortress" build. Just sayin:)
  10. Tower builds confuse most ppl lol
  11. Nice thread . In the right hands it is an effective Build

  12. Holy ****! Nice build.
  13. Is it still an effective build if u got strip of yr allies? Thus if bfa is low/zero.