Re: The Thunder Buddies - Recruitment Full support OP, great clan and great people, always fun to be in, P.S. OP maybe should think about changing your name with another clan tag in it when advertising another clan
Re: The Thunder Buddies - Recruitment The history of the clan is incorrect... TTB used to be a hardcore HTE clan with admins who were feeding off others seals.
Re: The Thunder Buddies - Recruitment The hte part was included in the history and our admins dropped seals pretty often
Re: The Thunder Buddies - Recruitment HTE clan.. y was it stopped ? I was there when it stopped.. But don't remember exactly y it was stopped
Re: The Thunder Buddies - Recruitment This is a true story, however, it was for his own good. Static puked many times that night and is now a better man having gone through this.
This clan rejected me when I was a smaller account. THANK GOD. Can't imagine what shoddy shape my kingdom would be in if I had persisted. No support. Tldr. Just saw the name, threw up in my mouth, and had to comment.
Good time in this clan and it is a good clan there are good people there like chicken, cookie, heart! I miss u guys so much keep the clan growing and strong and don't for get to all ways keep cc fun even if it is a naked party's for fun!!! Love you all๎๎