The Swarm

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by cheesemuffin, Nov 30, 2010.

  1. Ok so how about this scenario, were from teh future(now) and we went back to 1300 by accident in our time travel blimp cuz we were drunk
  2. YEAH!!!!!! Brings back the Beer Bombs and makes 700,000 of them with Blimp's clone-o-matix
  3. And some n00b created teh super zombie and he cant die, he also emp'd us so we have to repair our future nlimp while fighting off zombies
  4. Hahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha
  5. This is supposed to be about zombies not bwimpies...
  6. But we has ballistas and stuff and the zombies learn fast
  7. Kk. Pours beer on power generator. Blimp starts flying again. IT'S FIXED!!!!

    *shoots generator.... Darn
  8. Damn were falling!
  9. Gives everyone beer bombs

    *like grenades, but BEER
  10. Aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  11. Zohmbies are invading! Runnnn!!! 
  12. Activates airbags

    Were safe! 
  13. I'm a minor, so how about root beer bombs? I ate mine XD
  14. Rapdily throws beer bombs while using extra arms (side effect of time travel) to slowly fix the dent in the generator.
  15. Tick tick AAAAAAH I'M GONNA EXPLODE!!!
  16. Alpha zombie(if i can yay)(in far away hillz)(just turned to zombie)wh..where am what happened?? *looks at hand* no no i cant be a zombie i just cant*starts to cry*

    all beer bombs are now CARRoT JUICE BOMBS

    Zombies also hate them as much as we do!!!! WIN
  18. Fart! Aaaaaaah all better... o_O
  19. Ok ok hows about a HUGE bar with unlimited supplies and we can drink till we die and we can also use the drinks as molotov cocktails