The story of your enslavement part 2

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by x_x, Sep 30, 2016.

  1. Note to self. Cancer is easily cured.
    Remind me to tell my wife.
    The cancer research specialist that sees people die from it every week.

    But her work is worthless.
    She lets patients intentionally die withholding vital treatment that would easily cure them ( according to you ).

    Just to control population numbers.
    I'm sure she will be relieved to know its all for the greater good every time she sees people that in some cases she has treated for years die in agony desperate to spend more time with their families or in some cases live long enough to have a family of their own.

    You sir. Are a dipshidiot.
  2. OK this thread is not about cancer but I'll entertain you because I did say that,

    Story time with x_x
    Dr. Simoncini
    Guy in Italy cured bunch of people, he was stripped of his license and expelled from the country, he appealed, hundreds of people showed up testify that he saved their life by curing cancer,

    Tullio Simoncini is a roman doctor specialising in oncology, diabetology and in metabolic disorders. Dr. Tullio Simoncini has a strong opposition to any type of intellectual conformity, which is often based on suppositions without foundation or worse, on lies and falsities.

    Simoncini Cancer Therapy

    300-ivDr. Simoncini has pioneered sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) therapy as a means to treat cancer. Sodium bicarbonate, unlike other anti-fungal remedies to which the fungus can become immune, is extremely diffusible and retains its ability to penetrate the tumor. read more
    Sodium bicarbonate

    300-sodium-bicarbonateAt the moment, against fungi there is no useful remedy other than, in my opinion, sodium bicarbonate. The anti-fungins that are currently on the market, in fact, do not have the ability to penetrate the masses.

    It is no coincidence that the American president Richard Nixon in far-off 1971 proclaimed a real war against the “disease of the century”. Since then, this war has absorbed, worldwide, a quantity of economic, scientific and human resources which exceeds the limit of any imagination, but the results – it is useless to hide it – are a failure. Apart from the continuously renewed commitments, the repeated promises, and the supposedly miraculous most recent findings, there is very little that is concrete: the cause of cancer is and remains unknown.

    Cancer and fungus

    After many years research I have come to the conclusion that cancer is an infection and actually a fungal infection.
    I have never believed that genetics lies behind the occurrence of cancer. I came to this conclusion, and long-term research and successful results support my theory that cancer is caused by a fungus, in particular the Candida fungus in all its variants.

    Candida Albicans

    fungus-1 Candida causes fungal infections and tumors in man. It is always Candida because all other fungi are family of Candida.
    The fungi that threaten people may differ by about 2 to 5 percent. Fungi must have the same genetic structure in order to be able to attack the human kind. The variants depend on the difference in human tissues. But it is always a Candida fungus that causes tumors in humans.

    Max Gerson ... edies.html
    Accidently discovers he cured a person of diabetes, so other people started to come to him to cure their diabetes, and ended up during their cancers too, he was murdered and his daughter took over his work and moved to Mexico so she wouldn't be murdered too,

    Rick Simpson

    Rick Simpson Canadian guy cured his own cancer, started to treat other people, some who had only weeks to live with inoperable brain tumors, he's no doctor, started to get arrested, fought it and won.

    Dr. Burzynski found that all people with cancer were missing something in urine tests, so he provided that and they were able to fight it themselves, basically using synthetic horse urine, he's cured hundreds of people, then the raids started, seizing his records and claiming he's not cured anyone, again the witnesses and patients come to his defense, the feds keep trying to shut him down, the battle went on for decades.

    I could keep showing more and more evidence and people who claim to have cured themselves, but I'll tell you this, is not a good business model to cure anything, there has not been a medical breakthrough in 60 years, yet the veterinarians are making progress, if your wife heard any of this information she must pass it off as misinformation, garbage, because knowing there is a cure and not using it, she is personally liable for killing people, I've had countless arguments with oncologists, and they all refuse to believe, they rather take the gross negligence charges then murder charges, if your wife wants to be fired and stripped of her license all she has to do is start curing sick kids,

    Lady goes to get doctor to find out she's got cancer, she refuses treatment so she can do her own thing, she keeps going back to get x-rays to track her progress, she was curing herself, the doctor says this...

    "I don't know what you're doing, I don't want to know, just keep doing it"

    What would make a doctor say "I don't want to know" he knows either he's liable for the deaths that go thru his office or he's jailed and fired it's a situation where everyone wants to look the other way or be victimized by the state,

    Curing cancer is a crime, in the UK is criminal to say "there is a cure for cancer" it's wrong, but doing the right thing is a crime, we see it time and time again people who cure others are jailed and fired, and it's all covered up, that's why this is not front page news, there are so many foundations and charities collecting billions in donations, and all that well end if the truth comes out,

    This thread so probably be locked because of this topic, I don't care, there is the chance someone will be saved, to me it's worth it because I have a conscience, compassion, and knowledge
  3. Perhaps you should go and see the reports about the patients that simoncini has killed.
    The legal actions against a fraud that using methods that have zero scientific value or basis in fact has talked patients out of seeking the help they need.

    When you can commune with the patients he has caused to die. Then maybe I will listen to hogwash.
    If you want voodoo go and see a witch doctor.

    The one treatment I know of that currently is legislated against due to the fact it uses illegal substances that damage people, only works on certain brain tumours.
    That is currently being reviewed to see if it can be used safely ( and that's relative safety considering the alternative ). It should be authorised within the next few years. Maybe sooner.
    There are far more treatments coming out.
    There are over 200 types of cancer.
    If you want to believe that the same fungus that causes thrush causes cancer in all cases I feel sorry for you.

    There are numerous causes. There need to be just as many cures and preventative treatment.

    Sorry no quick fix available yet.
    Modern medicine isn't there yet.
    But believe the bs if you want.
    Turn down the treatment when you are fighting it and let me know how it turns out.
  4. I was asked at a young age
    "What do i want to be in life?"

    I didn't have to think about it. It was an easy question.
    "I want to be happy"

    They told me i didnt understand the question.

    I told them they didnt understand life :)

  5. The question is a plant, they are planting a seed in your mind at a young age,

    What do you want to be when you grow up?

    They ask you this question as if you can not be yourself and some how they will make you better or different,

    They come from a system where "you are your job title"

    To consume is to destroy, they create a consumer society based on shopping and working,

    Completely ignore the fact you go home at night and take off that police costume or lab coat and you are a man or woman under that

    This way they can strip you of individuality very early on and confirm to communist ideology

    In this country the individual has more power in his little pinky toe than the entire government combined, this is very upsetting to those who would usurp that power

    So they get you early into indoctrination centers and call it "education" they don't teach anyone to think, they don't teach anything about contracts, they don't teach anything

    it's only "repeat after me" and the better you repeat after me the better your grades are, this is brainwashing and it starts at the most vulnerable time in a humans life
  6. Support.
  7. So what would you like to be ?
    A hippy?
    A drifter ?
    Homeless ?
    Useless to society ?

    To which do you aspire, other than dumb living on a commune, practising voodoo

    Yes schools believe it or not.
    Prepare children for the lives they will lead in society.
    Would you rather they didn't prepare children?
    Did not educate them?
    Should we skip the next few generations schooling and go back to living like we did a few hundred years ago.

    Actually great idea. No one would know how to make devices that we read forums on. Much less actually produce electricity and everything else we use.
    Death rates would sky rocket due to medical decline and hell would break loose.

    At least then we wouldn't have to read your utter garbage.

    But above all we should not educate our children to take part as part of the society to which they were born into.

    Next moronic statement from you oh great one of the tinfoil hat commune.

  8. Thanks for the reply X_X :)

    You have a few points, yes ;)
    But let me clarify my comments.

    I didnt mean the Magna Carta was the first law, i said it was the first "Rule of Law" :)

    Yes King John the first was forced with a blade to his throat, but there was a very good reason for that ;)

    And its a common mistake that the King signed the document. He actually put his "Seal" on it, which was a purple ribbon with his seal on it i believe?

    And as for the Magna Carta being invalid or void...thats very sad to hear you feel that way :(
    The whole reason behind the document was to give power to the people and inspire hope.
    There are a lot of points in the document that are valid today, but its not what is written on the document, it was what it meant.
    Which was ideally that the ppl shall not be ruled, but governed.
    It gave the individual a voice that could be heard :)

    A for the Pope & King Johns dealings. These two men hated each other. Their history with each other is full of bad blood.
    When Pope Innocent the First was inaugurated, King John refused to recognise him as the leader of the church.

    As punishment, the Pope excommunicated the whole of England from the Church and planned to make the French King the one true king.
    As such, 25 barons asked King John to reconsider. When he refused, they invited King John to a meeting near Westminster.
    He attended and they proceeded to put a blade to his throat (tho this is debatable) and make him put his seal on the documents now known as the Magna Carta :)

    I would most enjoy continuing this conversation with you in PM's if you would accept?
    I do think i have taken up enough of this Thread and would not want to go too far off topic. But i do hope you would like to discuss this further with me :)

    And just a little FYI on the Magna Carta and its validity in todays time.
    Yes it is an ancient document, but if you look closely at your Laws & Legislations, you will find that Magna Carta popping up everywhere haha!
    I cannot attest to the American Presidency, but i do know for a fact that in Australian and English parliament, all new Prime ministers have to sit thru a Lecture on the Magna Carta and all its charters and amendments.

    It makes you wonder why? When the government and judiciary system states as you do, that it isn't relevant today.

    I whole heartedly disagree and believe it has more relevance in todays society of corrupt corporations, secret societies, and bad hair do's :D :D

    One charter i always tell people to look up on the Magna Carta is ch 61 MC 1215.
    Lawful rebellion.

    "When injustice becomes law, rebellion becomes duty"

    US President John F. Kennedy was an advocate for it, and the speeches he made against a government dealing in secrets and shadows are awe inspiring!

    "The very idea of a secret society, or a government that deals in the shadows, is repugnant"

    I hope something of this has been enlightening for you X_X :)
    Hope to see you in my pm's ;)

    I wish a wonderful and spectacular day/night for you all!


  9. Oh i agree 100% with that :)

    It is a joke that from the young ages you are told you can be anything or do anything. "The world is yours" as it wer.
    But then when you reach the age of 17, they do a complete 180° and tell you that you have to decide in the next year what job you're going to get and to "think realistically".

    Yet this education system that just smashed your world, teaches you nothing about how to live life, own a house, pay bills, and fail to provide any useful tools to the youth to survive after school.

    That is a broken system indeed.

  10. Which country for 17 ?
    UK is changing policy and it will soon be 21 before you leave school. The next step is 18 and 21 will come in later then followed by college and university.
    More in line with the American system.
    Parents have an equal responsibility to prepare their child.
    In fact far more so.
    If you bring a child into the world.
    Prepare them to face it.

    Bad schools locally. Move.
    Pay for tuition. Help your children prepare for the world you brought them into.
    It's not just the governments job to raise them.
  11. I don't mean it's a bad document, the intent was good and just, I know people who champion it as the single greatest moment in history,

    Bill Thornton

    He is one of the most brilliant people I know of and I follow him close, he has hundreds of hours of video, teaching law to anyone who can stay awake, I just spoke with him last month and he is still at it.
  12. Ok and with that last shred of credibility destroyed.
    I bid you farewell dear troll.

    Thornton indeed 

    That's classic.
  13. @ X_X

    Thank you, i appreciate that :)
    i shall definitely look that up as i am always interested in learning more!

    The most powerful gesture a fellow Terran can do is to pass on their knowledge, not for gain, but simply to educate, enlighten and inspire others to do the same :)

  14. I look forward to reading your threads
  15. You do not agree with this Bill Thornton?
    I do not mean to exacerbate the argument between you two, but i would like to know your thoughts on it?
    Or even referrals you believe would be best? :)

  16. Ty mad
  17. Necessity overrules the law.

    Popes and kings only ever acceded to one another to advantage themselves with more money or power. When it suited them they revoked it again. History will tell you this.

    Governments are too scared to police corporations anymore because it's too economically damaging.

    Corporations are lessening the burden of population on the government wallet so they are the new kings of the earth.

    Not new stuff really just more true now than ever.
  18. The merger of corporation and state is called fascism or corporatism, they are the same thing coined by that Italian, 15 years ago you could look up the definition and get it, these days is all being hidden away and covered up,

    I don't see any of this stuff being revoked, only buried

    The thing about corporations is without a contract they are powerless, imagine Walmart enforcing the employee code on its shoppers, then having their security start arresting them and towing their car

    They can't do it, and yes necessity overrides law, but it's only under specific circumstances like protecting your right to live by shooting someone, there is circumstances that would permit someone taking a billion slaves
  19. I agree with you. We are on a hiding to nothing. It's a cricket score. Outnumbered by the bastards until the day you die. When your winning they move the goal posts.

    Still we persevere.
  20. Missing word was the illegitimate child child one. Lol it censored me