The story of your enslavement part 2

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by x_x, Sep 30, 2016.

  1. Nature vs Nurture.
    Epigenetics dont care about anything. At any time or point they can express Genes. The Evironment/Nurture plays a role in epigenetics

    Your welcome. Free will. We all have it thanks to God. You want no sickness? You want no death? Adam and eve were 'immorals'. What happened? Tempation. What is temptation? Evil. What does temptation want? To destroy your life. Good vs Evil

    If everyone wanted their free will taken away then perhaps there would be no sickness,no death. Cheers.
  2. That is your choice.
  3. If you're going to talk about Adam and Eve, how about the incestuousness of their children mating to procreate and enlarge the human race.

    After all 'we are in his image' doesn't refer to just Adam and Eve, therefor it was obviously intentional for them to procreate?

    If THAT was intentional then considering the MUCH higher likelihood of genetic defects from incestuous births, that means those defects were also intentional.

    Your God sounds so nice.
  4. They didn't reproduce in the garden of eden. They didn't even know about that.
    Post Garden of eden is what your refering to i believe.

    You need to think of mala prhoibita. We think **** is bad, go to the middle east and you cant **** your wife, in some parts they don't recognize womans rights. ****** is ok in Some European societies, but frown upon/taboo in The Us.

    And Adam and Eve are the cause of 'Original sin'

    Dont know if i answer or countered your view idk
  5. No... Some old dudes with a pen were the cause of that fictional masterpiece.

    This was 'gods' reaction

  6. Thats your a opinion and belief, your God given right.
    My intention is not to persuade, more as to shed light.
    What you do with your life is your choice, But i always leave with this Question;

    Would you rather believe and be wrong or don't believe and be wrong?.

    That is the ultimate Question. To believe or not to believe.
  7. No, it's not my god given right, it's my right as a sentient life form that's capable of reaching my own decisions based on what I perceive to be facts, EXACTLY the same as anyone who chooses to believe.

    I'd much rather not believe and be wrong, then beg forgiveness to a God that is supposed to be all about forgiveness.

    The alternative is to believe, and then realise all your life you have been lied to.

    When peoples beliefs are shattered, it usually breaks them.

    That's assuming there IS anything after we die..
  8. I am so not going into the what causes cancer. And it's actually irrelevant what causes it.

    The point is simple.

    Take any rational Human being with empathy and compassion.
    Take a look for example at how many desire a cure for cancer.
    Now give that person the powers of a god.
    Any and all would wipe out cancer at their first whim.

    There is no justification for a god that allows innocent people to suffer.
    Do we lock up people because their father committed a crime?
    No because most societies are civilised and people are judged on their actions as individuals.

    I have never and will never see evidence that God exists as long as one innocent child dies or innocent person suffers.

    You can have free choice without creating evil.
    Humans are savage and we are responsible for the large majority of ills on this world.
    Hence why modern laws are needed.
    Blaming things and justifying anything especially a law based on the assumption that an omnipotent being chooses to watch idly by impotent as millions suffer is a delusion from those who refuse to act to change the world around them for the better.

    Don't cry about God or any deity and blame the sins of other people unless you are first willing to act to enable change.

    If there is or were a god that allows such suffering, he is as bad as those who commit all evils on the world.
  9. I don't need to defend God. Ive already done to much. God can defend himself :D
    Cheers. Hopefully yall can find the way.
  10. Lol God, never seen her.
  11. It was a good effort, one major thing you are forgetting, the Magna Carta was signed by the king while a sword was at his throat, he was under duress which makes it void, the whole reason for the Magna Carta was because the king was terrible at fighting wars so he went to the pope and asked for money and help, the pope agreed of the king would become the popes vessel, so in a way he surrendered to the pope, since that was never reversed, the pope is the ruler of Britain, and again later on Rothschilds forgive the debts of the crown and the church of they would submit to his rule,

    Also this idea that the Magna Carta is the first law, that's nonsense, the Bible is full of legal principals that are still standing today, though shall not kill, love thy neighbors as yourself, make amends with thy adversaries on the way to court, (that's administrative law), and your also forgetting and possibly you don't know about maxims, maxims are ancient law principals that can not be debated, discussed, or decided, it's the base of all laws and accepted by everyone, they must because they are fundamental truths, I'll give you some examples, if your case is based on a maxim there basically is no answer except i didn't do the thing,

    The contract makes the law.

    Agreements give the law to the contract.

    The agreement of the parties overcomes or prevails against the law.

    Advice, unless fraudulent, does not create an obligation.

    No action arises out of an immoral consideration.

    No action arises on an immoral contract.

    No one can sue in the name of another.

    It is a miserable slavery where the law is vague or uncertain.

    Legality is not reality

    Necessity overrules the law.

    The status of a person is his legal position or condition.

    The owner of a piece of land owns everything above and below it to an indefinite extent.

    No one can give what he does not own.

    I'll stop there, there are literally thousands of them and they are very powerful tools, iI was going to make a post going over them, they deserve a thread unto themselves

    Also you mentioned civil, well law is Roman law, citizen is a Roman construct,

    and what does the constitution say, "congress shall make no law with respect to religious establishments" this means if you are in a cult or something no one can save you,

    Although you've made an effort and I appreciate the bump, you fell a little short brining up a document void on its face (Magna Carta)
    Though it was the base for our bill of rights it's not valid
  12. Bible in the courtroom isn't what people should worry about, it's the admiralty flag behind the judge, the one with the gold trim. That flag is not supposed to be flown on American soil, it's a war flag. It means you are no longer protected by the constitution but instead your being judged by a captain under maritime law. Don't believe me? Next time your in court, before you cross the bar ask the judge if you can enter keeping all your rights under the constitution of the united states of America and watch that judge flip out. Why should he have an issue? He took an oath to uphold and protect the constitution so help him God. They would have to hold up to it's standards, meaning you would have the right to a jury and also to face your accuser, fight a traffic ticket, who's your accuser? The street? You didn't hurt anyone, what crime could you have committed? The answer is it would take a for profit administrative court working under maritime law. For those saying the constitution and accompanying documents are out dated obviously haven't read the declaration of independence, it's like it was written last week, the constitution is the supreme law of the land, not some stupid statute written by lawmakers for quick profit, but idiots don't fight back, the dumbing down has been extremely effective
  13. Nice, I will explain, this is just the way it is, go into any court with the claim there is no God because they've been trying very hard to prove this for thousands of years,
    Cancer is a side effect and it's very easily cured, because it's not a good business model to cure diseases for your "society" that you've put your faith in, it's cures are covered up, ignored, or illegal, it's a crime to say there is a cure for cancer in the UK, your communist ideals have no place in this thread, good day sir
  14. United States has no jurisdiction in New York, New York is its own nation with its own constitution and government, the states of the union are superior to DC (United States) DC is foreign to America, that's why they call themselves United States OF America.
  15. Yall misinterpret all the bad things in the world as "God's fault". The problem with the world is people. People by nauture are greedy/jealous,(i.e)they want what they cant have. Not gonna lecture you on the 7 mortal/deadly sins or w.e. but if you wanna know one reason why there is evil you may read that. Now this next thing may not be something that you like, but in old testament( i believe) if a serious crime against God was committed(say worshiping another god) the consequence affected 10-100 generations of that individual or society's decendants(This was when they had broke the ten commandments, which pre-jesus was a huge-huge deal.)

    However, Luckily for us, Jesus died for our sin.
    Yet, God has always been a just God, who does not,not enforce the consequences of actions.

    Why do children get cancer? I don't know. I do know that there are things called epigenetic marks which are organic methyl molecules which are prevelent even at a pre-natal state or age (in fetus). These epigenetic marks can either express a gene or not express it. Depending on the influences that a fetus recieves/nurture, these marks express either good genes or bad genes. If a child had parents that smoked, took any type of illegal drug, including marijuana, or consumed bad nutrition, the likely hood of these bad genes being expressed is much higher. As an infant, litle interaction,neglet/abuse or heavy consumption of bad food can also trigger these epigenetic marks to express bad genes, or not express the good genes at all. These epigenetic marks affeft us from in the womb to even as adults.
    You can thank Pyschology for this answer above

    Now, does every child who gets cancer have or have these illnesses get it from these bad experiences in pre-natal-infacy-young adolescene expeiences? No. Is the percentage much higher though? Certainly. Yes
    Im not sure (you may its kinda obvious) if you realize but even if you dont recognize God as existing, You can't deny the fact that there is good in the world, and there is evil in the world.
    Evil does not win in the end, but that doesn't mean Evil doesn't win any battles. People do heinous things all the time, such as kill someone for personal reasons or gain, sexually touch children, steal from innocent people; ect.
    Im sure you have experienced good in the world. The ability to overcome substantial odds, miraculous miracles, be at peace in stressful situations, experience/recieve help at your lowest of lows. Additionally, being able to overcome an addiction is something that is good(People kill over addictions).

    I dont know if i answered these questions, which are completely understandable but if not there is always the The Word ~ The Bible, which should shed light. Old Testament would be for setting/Overall picture of where we started and leads into the Reasons we Needed Jesus. New Testament is Post Jesus.

    If you actually read this far down the post, but dont wanna read the bible, You can Google Lecrae on Ted Talks or youtube or whatever. This guy is a practicing Christian who tries to shed light on some issues(He doesn't constitute as the bible but is a step in the right direction).Lecrae and his record label (116) Reach Records are composed of Hip Hop/Rap artists who happen to be Christian(They dont identity as Christians Hip-Hop artists because people see/hear that and 'Swipe left'/say no automatically). In all of the members of Reach Records songs, their trials and tribulations are discribed/ their experiences. An example is in Lecrae's song "The Good The Bad The Ugly (not necessarily meant for someone who doesn't know about god like others ares). This song is rather deep(talks about a mistake he made and resultes in having a girl get an abortion), and unlike some others songs of his, in that it isn't as catchy. If yall need something to get you our of a fog, Reach Records may be a solution(I am not promoting them, just stating their content is pretty good, and theres many songs to chose from. Just one could make a difference. )

    Personlly Out of The 5 I like Andy Mineo the best because- bars. No other explanation needed.

    I lost the point to was tryna make typing this for so long.

    Tl:dr Dont Always blame god for things that he didn't cause. There is much evil in the world and many battles waged daily. You don't always win every battle. However, Good is victorious in the End. Reach Records offers Substantial Hip/Hop Rap content aside from mainstream rap/hip hop today, and there is even comparison between Andy Mineo+ Lecrae / Drake + Lil Wayne(Youtube radio show) You go decide.

    Questions? Explain

    And to @x_x all the above

    The Edits have been to correct grammar and capitalize what needed Capitalization[/quote]

    In not saying that God is bad, whatever you want to call God is your right, I'm saying the pope at times does get a little crazy with power, and we need to keep this in check, like the old bulls it was common practice to write them on human flesh, because only like kind can be joined, flesh to flesh not flesh can not join to paper
  16. You are right the gold flag is for conquered lands only, and those are military courts, courts of court-martial, meritime and admiralty law are laws of the sea, the sea of Commerce, they are only enforcing contracts, because we have contracted away the constitution without full disclosure or due process, and I've seen judges tell people they have no rights, there are plenty of videos, the point of the thread is to show people who care to look, about these frauds and injustices, prejudice, and fraud, the bar have completely taken over, and our coast guard was sleeping at the wheel, we are subjected to jurisdictions that are foreign to us and not many people know, but I have to start somewhere, and the best place is the beginning
  17. ........

    In going to leave this thread, and all future threads of yours with this.

  18. Good point, you'd think the first clue would be that bar stands for British accredited registry, but most don't catch that, or birth certificate is for registering a vessel, your human you were born, ships are birthed, and no one thinks it's funny they ask for a length on your baby, but until you read and understand maritime law it doesn't make much sense, citizenSHIP lol. I enjoy your threads, keep up the good work 