The story I've written that I can't decide a name on sign up

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Mr_Bluejay, Aug 13, 2010.

  2. Angus on pal now
  3. Why dont i get a charecter :( lolz btw this is what ur name was then u changed it rite?
  4. U can still put in characters they might not be used
  5. Name:Jasmine
    Weapon:bow and arrow
    Personality: curious, intelligent, fierce
    Weakness: Fear

    Also an idea: Jasmine is some type of spy. All her life she's been with the enemies, learning of their strength and knowledge.

    Hope I helped
  6. I'm jasmine a 15year old girl working undercover untill my cover was blown I had to flee out on my county with armed men in hot pursuit

    since that day I have trained with the sword but my body feels linked towards the bow

    I'm live in fear the those armed men will find me and I will run for my live once again.
  7. Sweet bio!! It's awesome
  8. Guess what I injoyed writing them if u look back a few pages there's more I wrote
  9. I c. Ur really good at them!
  10. Lol I'm editing it with Ginger
  11. Sweet! I'm trying to write a story but I have no ideas.
  12. Don't let my list get out of hand of the books I'm helping ,this 1,blackwind by utho,urs
  13. Whoa. I pretty much just need a solid idea I could build up on.
  14. Hmm maybe a group of people travilaling through a forest with many dangers
  15. That would be good! U just gave me an idea! Thx for the help!
  16. Well done Angus you've done well while I was away