The Story game

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by iambetterthanall, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. So how it works is the first person says a phrase, then the next person quotes them and says a phrase.That way u don't have to read the whole forum to find out plot. I'll go first

    In a galaxy far far away
  2. Eww. Go ask your mom to read you some stories, don't come to forums to fulfil your story fetish
  3. It's like a create your own story except more orginized
  4. Hello, good sir. It has comes to my attention that you dislike people with story fetishes. Well, I'm here to tell you...

    Back off.

    I will have my armies of Trolls march on your position. Your kingdom will be destroyed. Your castle will be in shambles. And your crown, desecrated. By the time you realize it, you'll be in my dungeon.. Slowly going mad.
  5. I think someone needs a snickers bar here

    and that would be me !
  6. There was a banana and a apple
  7. That moment when op is forced to continue his own story
  8. Who were very silly and sciceopathic
  9. Do it. No balls.
  10. Lol :lol:
  11. They also were ugly martins
  12. Is "sciceopathic" a Martian word, or is it a very bad misspelling of psychopathic?