The Stone Emperors: Twin Paths to Glory

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. PvP route was the way to go... That's what the event was mainly focused on... But pve was optional
  2. This Event is bad... only money spenders event i think we need events as feathers event to get banner for others too...
  3. Since you can get x2 rewards, does that mean the plunder bonus spells will stack?
  4. ^first post. made no sense.
  5. OP is ddlusionak
  6. Yes, so ddlusionak.
  7. Hello , I have not yet learned how exactly to make my own thread but It was not hard for me to learn how to reply. I have a question for anyone who can help me. Can I purchase multiples packs and stack them or do they cancel each other out ? Please help , thanks :3
  8. Well i have all i need.
  9. You cannot acheive more then one teir of rewards NO Matter the path.
  10. According to OP's wording, you can get 2 different plunder bonus spell rewards. You just can't get twice the same equip or banner...

    Anyway, we'll see in roughly 24 hours.
  11. I Got 25 now ! 
  12. Btw you guys wont see Any of my money coming your greedy Way
  13. Hii I'm no pro but if it wasn't for them greedy devs there would be no game + most ov us been playing for years so that must be a sign there doing something right .more" events "
  14. "For years"
    Being Two years in your case 
  15. Who's ready for this to end  I want to sleep again 
  16. People lost sleep for this event? Why
  17. i didn't and i did just fine
  18. Eb event was boring, didn't do PvP due to saving for op lands
  19. Why was it such a pain for small/new players to get favors?? Just over 500 in 3 days but if I got 15+ I'd have over 1000. Theres no dif in a 28k cs hitting a 28k cs than a 28mil hitting a 28mil but the 28mil gets more per hit. #Shullbit