The Stone Emperors: Twin Paths to Glory

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. Hello everyone,

    Over the weekend we were made aware of concerns over the amount of Imperial Favor earned between different build sizes.

    After carefully evaluating the situation we have decided to adjust the rate at which different build sizes earn Imperial Favor.

    As always, we encourage all players to continue to grow and evolve as they progress through the game.
  2. on snap. he just called drop builds out.
  3. You've just made everything everyone's done so far completely meaningless

  4. So 40Hits for teir three rewards now?
  5. S4 repeats itself. Nice job done on promo and screw ppl on lb again
  6. This supose to be twin path thing right? Choose one or the other?
    Now you ruined your own idea... goodjob!

    Now everybody can get both ways with these drop rates.

    You just ruined this event.
  7. Worthless event now, the only people who would drop their build are people who needed the equip. The biggers who can hit bigger ebs don't need it ffs
  8. This is 4th day in promo, no one is screwed and top of lb is statless
  9. While it certainly makes the initial PVP tiers more achievable, this does not change the work required to reach the top tiers of the event. You are still competing with your peers.
  10. WHY would u change it


    SMALLS only got more coz they drop to keep sword

    GGWP to people who complained, you ruined it for all of us
  11. Most people who drop their build have ee eq, just saying
  12. Wouldn't have killed you to think this through before releasing the event. Anyone who burnt xtals in the first few days essentially wasted them.
  13. What the hell do you all have your panties in a wad about? We're four ******* days into the event and all they've done is made it so cheaters/drop builders don't have an unfair advantage. Jesus Christ, the devs can't win.
  14. Waste of 120Xtals......

  15. They never had an unfair advantage??

    With no sword or spell, SMALLS and bigs all got 3-5 per hit on a good target

    Your moaning ruined it -.-
  16. Not the mention the 30hours of pleas I casted. Screw you devs, you won't get a penny from me for the rest of the event.
  17. Plus if we build dropped it means you would make money in the long run when we have to buy seals to rebuild our freaking kingdoms again.

  18. Normally I don't like jenni but she's 100% right here
  19. Since you already screwed the PvP event up AGAIN. Why not lower the days to next Friday.