The Sound of Blood: Feedback and Discussion

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by FeatherHunter, Oct 16, 2011.

  1. I love it feather! The newest installment is now my favorite part! So much feeling, so much passion. I cannot wait for the next installment
  2. My suggestion for the next part would be some type of a fight... Possibly between dimitri and Italy. Idk just thought of it now 
  3. Thanks! Any suggestions? Who's your favorite character so far? Would you like more information on Italy's appearance? I know I forgot his skin tone and stuff...

    Need any more of his background information? Any questions?
  4. Once I finish the introductory portion of this novella, I'll begin killing off characters possibly at the climax, or the rising action.
  5. Dimitri is my fav character, and I would loveee more detail on Italy, yes
  6. Ooo ah I can't wait for the next part, like I said
  7. Dimitri has a dark, sinister past. You will soon see him in a new light.
  8. O.O ok, wow now I wanna keep reading even more lol
  9. I think this might be my best story ever lol ;)
  10. I officially deem this "As good as Chuck ******* Norris" ;)
  11. Amazing so far<3 keep it up feather!!
  12. It's good, I hope u write more