The sniper feedback

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Dark-Majesty, Dec 18, 2010.

  1. Umm nothing therelol....-and what do u mean mak u hav a custom one I envy u
  2. I don't own it, but I have my specs memorized for it when I do get it.
  3. Awesome how much do those things cost usually
  4. I know it can't hit a million miles away cousin in the marines he used it it has a good range of about a mile
  5. I'm not actually sure how much, but I'll get one.
  6. I liked it. There was the grammatical errors and such but that's just a note. Also, like others have said the Barrett is for anti-vehicle. Also if your in enemy territory, you would definately would use a smaller silenced rifle. But that would defeat the pourpose of the ending, where the sirens start going off.
  7. Feedback please
  8. It was good. Good begging. Errors confused me yea...50. Cal is anti-vehicle...M40A3 or any other rifle...R700..... Wouldve made a bit more sense to those more...gun smart?..
  9. Lol they should say at the end CUUUUT
  10. Lol, I used to study rifle mechanics, I lost interest, but I think I'll look into it again.
  11. Maybe it will end like that and glad I could help
  12. I don't think there r any tigers in Brazil mayb jaguars and cougars but no tigers
  13. Yeah maybe it will tuen out to be a cougar
  14. Thank u for all your feedback it helps