The Sleeper of Elrengoth Forest

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Oct 24, 2016.

  1. Wow, what a money grab worst event ever

  2. I can see your point here, problem lies in two major areas.

    1. They never considered the Kawmunity as a whole with this. Loyalty is going to die as players want the newest thing. If tier 2 is as difficult as people are saying huge players will flock to huge clans & reap the rewards of it leaving others in the dust struggling.

    2. The actual cost if this thing as a whole. Hte/Zta wasn't bad honestly, 6$ & made a good bit on hte. 10$ spread over 100 people to open Zta & the pay was well worth it. Verses 10$ just for T1 & the pay rate blows? Then what 125 nobs for T2, 150 for T3 & 200 for T4? A lot of players like myself don't hit hte or will skim as it is not our seal & we may or may not have the funds to seal at a later point. (Free nobs works what 10% of the time?)

    Personally I let smaller peeps hit & sit it out, there's many who need it more than myself. With that stated, they made enchanting this new equip "old man mandatory" you haft to be in the top or pay for your items. That itself kills the drive for what 1 piece of new equip?

    Granted the idea of letting you build up & cash out is a decent one. I'll give the devs that. Realistically I am happy sitting this entire promo out & just hitting 15k. The mage will finish off my set of T6 equip & the bars will help me finish my abysmal & open another air land. So not much to complain about there.

    Players have a valid point on the complaint, this in theory was a great idea but very poorly executed. They could have put the optional bar back on hte (players request), made Zta piece bundles (personal suggestion), put the Zoma compass on sale for a reasonable price (same as a seal?). There's a lot of things that could have been done long before this but point being devs purposely over looked it & decided this was their best shot at making profit. It may work for now, however as stated before. "This is going to drive away players".

    They screwed up the banners, have offered no fix to that, now this? Granted for 25 nobs the prizes in the coffer seem worth the buy. Another thing I'll add to the list they done right. (Amending my previous statement)
  3. Save your nobs. The gold sucks. The eb is hard. Idk about the drops yet but cant justify the money spent. Stick to hte if you must throw money at this game.
  4. And ee not dropping dew? Shame on you devs trying to kill ee at every turn :-\
  5. The new eb pays just fine
  6. Whingers
  7. no thanks, lame effort...1/5 stars
  8. Seems like a very high cost, i do not know of many games that charge so much for their current premium content and then continue to increase costs, are they trying to eliminate free/low spending players from the game to reduce complaints?
  9. why Elrengoth Box can only open used 25nobs.
  10. Spot on. Stop your whining people, this is a business after all And not a toy. How many of you would work all year for nothing? Yep that's right, none of you! So stop crying like spoilt children and pay if you want to pay, play for free if you don't!
  11. you people that spend endlessly for advantages on video games are a cancer on gaming.
  12. there is no return investment if u invests here.better buy real gold or unit trust and sale it once the price up.virtual world just a virtual world,fake gold u can't trade in real life.
  13. I don't see anyone asking them to not profit or earn income, i do see many saying they are overcharging for a product they don't see the value in. With that sort of logic they could start charging u $500 a seal n u wouldn't complain, there is a limit to how much ppl can or will spend n it was reached a long time ago by the majority.
  14. This event has ata_charlies dirty little hands all over it
  15. By opening the elrengoth's Koffer i only got one of the pieces. Not like written on event page
  16. I'm getting an error when enchanting my helmet to level 1:

    Imvalid item 9977 in game 1,layer 1, position 1
  17. How do the war rewards work? I don't seem to see any equipment associated with it.
  18. So only the top 10 can max out the new piece of eq?? No diamondbark chips from war? In op it says war tokens are for the special war version of top tier eq?? What's the special eq??
  20. New dagger is AWESOME!!!!