What makes me laugh, is the fact that questions are being answered by [ATA]Gregory(programmer) rather than by [ATA]Grant(community manager). I do chuckle at that, maybe grant really is writing the creative stories instead of Mike or whoever it is
Devs, go look at the PvP leader board. I bet #10 will stop at 50 like last weekend. you know its bad when people already have their event goals by now and still dont want a thing to do with PvP cause rewards are poop. Add some inferno or aqua anything... please
Imo they should have added barkchips to both Pvp and wars. Top 100 Pvp 1bark chip, top 100 wartoken 1barkchip then if you hit 15k did both Pvp weekends and did well in wars you could still max lvl EQ. Yes it would still be a small percentage of players with max EQ but it would encourage people to expand there play style a bit more.
I am the lead designer of Kingdoms at War. It isn't my job to answer your questions; I do it because I care, and I have the ability to iterate based off of your feedback.
I too, feel that the incentives aren't strong enough for PVP. I'd like to hear more of your suggestions (Aqua and Inferno is a good one).
I feel as if it would be cool if special banners were given out or something. Also a suggestion of mine would be to try and have it be more fair for ftp players that play the game for scrolls and stuff becuase it is alot harder to get to 15k scrolls for us. It would be nice if everyone was given enough stuff to start a exclusive eb for the event exactly when it start such as they only have a 1 hour peiiod to log on and get it and only for accounts that already exist. That allows people such as me who are ftp to get more items for the event to reach 15k
I know top 10 PvP blitzers dont deserve everything from the war event rewards, but I cant help but compare the two. War rewards just have those little extra goodies like crux's and silver. I think the PvP blitz rewards should relate more the war rewards since their both PvP events. War gets a massive amount of reagants (aqua/inferno) while PvP gets a 'large' amount of event items. Maybe reduce the amount of event items and the reagant rewards should be more like the main event reward tiers. Here is a suggestion of what Exactly Id like to see, Im just gonna use top 10 as an example since yal are pretty good on scaling the reward sizes in their respective brackets. Top 10 PvP 7500 main event items 1-2 gold crux 2-3 silver crux 150 aqua/inferno 3-5 xtals 500 silver Rampant raider 40% (+15% because their is little use for this outside of this event..) Maybe even 1 seal since every other top 10 has one? Mithril can stay the same OR can be increased in place of silver, example 1000 mith but no silver. That would make me want to do PvP blitz. EDIT: I just wanted to add this is Coming from a player who actually has made top 10 and 50 this is what Id like to see. Not that anyones suggestions/opinion is any less than mine I just want to point this out. Chipbarks/banners would be cool additions too. I just think their needs to be a rather large increase in the base rewards given from PvP.
Question for Debs. In event chest under preview, looking at that makes me and several people I've talked to that there is a side event there. I have a rank and at bottom it shows a minimum reward but that's it. Can a Dev gibe me a answer to this. Thanks
There isnt a side event or any kind reward system for that. Its simply an event item tracker for the dew that uses the same concept as the actual event tracker for the scrolls. Collecting more dew than needed for the equipment will not yield any extra rewards at this time.
Its not...its just a rewards tab/visual bug. There are a few this event.. And there is already a thread about this one in the questions/feedback forum.
I had collected 10k dew, used all of them to upgrade equip.. Now i have 2k dew, so what equip i will get ? 2k / 10k equip ?
The equipment that you upgrade to. The preview page is just there show u all the equip and show you the prices from 1 level to another. The page is just there to show you the equipment unenchanted and at level 10
Will Old Man ebs initiated before the end of the event but completed after the end of the event, be treated the same as other ebs? i.e. It'll have no drops? Or will it be different given the different nature of the eb?