I lIke the ambition and aggressive new content. If you want to be a bit more conservative on something then do that on the pricing
Are you stupid or something. This is actually in my opinion a much more balanced event. Each player gets more Due based on successful actions. This mean active loyal players get the better equipment. My brother has a 6mcs acc and is just a little behind me in an hte clan. That is because he is more active. This means that hte clans don't rule a large portion of better equipment. This is one aspect I really appreciate. I may not get top 500 but I can still get the great chest equipment with enough activity and so can lower build accounts which. This is an event I really like. Now that they made some balances it is just that much better. Only thing I could really want at this point is debuff T2 of the event ebs.
couldn't agree more on this,devs has no idea the impact they done.once everyone wallet dry,this game will sinking.can't wait till that day come.
I will say that I respect someone for owning up to their mistakes Some thoughts - I hope that if ppl pay too open eb, they get seeds back if the clan fails the eb - not sure but I think they these promo chests should also drop the following as well (these drops should b rare) - circles, nobs and seeds - I also feel that instead of getting 1 key a day. Why not give all keys right at the beginning? It sucks but something i dun get a chest for 1-2 days and then I get a bunch at the end.
Gaian lifespark is not dropped. Its actually gaian energy. Devs made another typo....not very surprising.
Recently the devs keep releasing EB that most players cannot hit without defeats. For free EB that is ok, just don't do them. But now we have EB that cost real money to play and one of my alts with 550 mil STATIC attack bonus could not even hit Level 2 of 4 without increased troop loss and defeats. Fantasy boni like pro pack, clan bonus, Reset bonus or banner bonus I did not even get into my calculation. (These boni never seem to work for me) Why should I pay real money for such an EB? I won't. I won't change my build either. I'm also not going to hire 500T in allies just to be able to unload on asof or other EB like that. I realy hope devs are not destroying this game like they did with their other games. Just look at this SMASH game. How many are still active there? Less than 4k, I suppose.
^ no one is forcing you to do paid ebs. 11m cs static attack. Really amazing. People like you thinking that they should be self-entitled to everything is what's ruining this game.
Is this gonna be a series? Kinda ridiculous if it isnt because that means only the top 1 can max level their equipment.
Sorry for this late query (and maybe it has been explained elsewhere in this thread) So assuming I have accumulated enough dews for the chestplate and I haven't done any enchant since the beginning, will I jump straight to acquire the chestplate or will I have to enchant thru all item levels?
So I didn't read through the 22 pages of posts , is their war eq or no cause The thread says war versions of eq but no preview available pls respond ASAP so if there's no eq I won't waste time warring ty
Hang on.. the ONLY way anyone can get any of these items to level 10 is to come in the top10? Anyone in the top10 will obviously reach the 34k item...
Future reference Via a mods response, you haft to buy the helm first. Then pay the price tag to make it a new piece of equip. 250 for helm & 500 for next piece total of 750 required to get the second level prize. The original post has the prices listed. So you haft to collect & build up to what your wanting. Best of luck to you all.
But if you note in the previews tab it gives you a LB rank for current honeydew raising the question of "if I do nothing with my item and have 34,500 at end of event will it auto drop armor?" Also the question then; "is it possible for event to drop total of 4 EQ?" 2 from boxes one you get to enchant and one dropped from final rewards? Good effort Greg but a lot of unanswered questions here.
The equipment's overall stats are actually worse than previous events. And only top 10 will be able to enchant it to max lvl. 15k rewards will give u lvl 7 of enchantment... my ocd is gonna kill meh
34,500 is the total amount required to build up to the breast plate. You haft to first pay the 250 for the helm then purchase everything between the helm & Breast plate. The amount of the breastplate is on the forum page. The numbers in the previews is the total amount to build up to & purchase the item you are after. I also seen what you were referring to as well, idk exactly why they give you a rank however the ideal was build up to what you want & cash out plain & simple.