Sea Witch, Crystal Ball, Ink Vials, Ancient Glyphs? Pearls, Coral, Jewels? What do these all mean? ITS THE FREAKING LITTLE MERMAID. The Sea Witch is obviously Ursula. She is a squid, used ancient magic (which could be gained from glyphs), and she uses a crystal ball to watch people. Ariel has a bunch of Jewels, Pearls and Necklaces in her collection, and being in the ocean, Coral is obviously going to be found. Nice job ATA, ripping off a Disney Movie.
If they so awesome why smash not brought narwhals back D: Anyways serious business, have a look in pimd. If you eyes don't burn out of your eye sockets that is. They've ripped on Pokemon. Dragon ball z. That anima neko girl person. Frozen Just to name a few, it's nuts if you ask me
When you say "earn valuable rewards including event only weapons and banners... They are NOT gloves but weapons? Am I the only one with this question? Haha.. If they ARE weapons, then you should of made the weapons a Harpoon Gun, Poseidon's Trident, Stingray Spear, and a Shark Tooth Mace. That'd be dope.
Its not that the devs are doing this 100% for the money if so they would have kept the competitive tiers for rewards because its only common sense that would have more ppl do hte Maybe it is as they said in the above that they are trying to close the player gap and give the smalls a chance also they are listening to us more because it was us the Kawmunity who asked for this change in the event (Also i think about the pvp side, i think the devs need an idea for the pvp event because the last event was the same as the shard one except different items and they couldn't be stolen which took out the pvp side a bit andmade it more of farming, so instead of complaining throw out sine ideas for the devs to look at!)
Good luck to all the HTE clans who are going for top 10...another event dedicated to hte sealers who only know to throw money at the game and not actually learn to play
With half of kaw being in an osw containing many of the bigger spenders (aside from the few lb that hightailed it out of here) the event will fail
T3 ripped off of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone "troll in the dungeon", T6 was based off of Children of the Corn/ferngully/Avatar.. What do you expect from a dev team of college hipsters? ATA has ripped off numerous celebrities without consent on PIMD. The whole premise of that game is a copyright infringement
Perfect time to target HTE clans in battle list.. Wait.. That would hinder the ability to get some of this equupment, so no one will support attacking HTE clans during the event
mathematically u cannot reach the good fixed tier rewards with non-hte ebs. just that players in hte clans can choose to stop sealing when they reached their goal. that is the only new 'benefit' for hte clan members
Wow, look at all the stuff I won't be getting! Thanks for attempting to fleece me yet again for the money I will never give you ATA. ;~;