The Sea Witch's Warning: Awakening of the Nameless

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. The S4 equip artwork was beautiful especially the shoulders. S3 looked rushed and very cartoonish. The S3 greaves were the worst. Lol
  2. Yay!! Looks good :)
  3. Another Wallet plus HTE =awards,no point in competing in this event.Each eb should have equal drops to even out the playing field.
  4. Lol at the people that think they can rank high in this event

    You guys obviously haven't seen the wallet of some of these KaWers :lol:
  5. Awesome!!
  6. devs failure

    really? nothing new? collect & combine...duh,i think with unlimited nobililty i can be top 10 also

    heard of an amazon link that provides nobility for kingdoms at war,based on purchases made on is this equal to real money that people WORK for? whats next,bitcoins? ive got magical poop did u want me to box it up & send it to u to eat....i only require that i recieve 1000 nobility for each package sent....not recieved & i will promise to pack it so full that there wont be any space left in the standard fed ex package =) agreed???

  7. Actually this one seems pretty fair. The best equip is obtainable for everyone if they have the time to compete. They've had events where the best equip is exclusive to the top 100-1, 000. That's money hungry and not worth competing for imo.
  8. Another event I won't be participating in
  9. Actually I've had a change of heart - I'm glad that the rewards aren't based on rank. Keep it like that.
  10. How about making it where hte and rotwb drop 0 just to make it 100% even for all...... U can keep the box crap on all the hte tho.
  11. Stats on equip are a fail
  12. Season 2 gloves = 12m cs

    These gloves = 17.5m cs

    How so?
  13. I think you misunderstood what I meant by me saying "competitive", but given the recent track record with these events it has been more than a little cumbersome getting below the lowest top ### without slaving away at HTE. I was just wondering if this was the event where we could reach the "collect 5/8k jewels" without HTE, lol.
  14. Yay they listened! Obtainable banners again!
  15. Woo Hoo Season 5 is here ...

    Oh wait my bad , sorry must be wishful thinking after two years dev would fix the war system. Lol
  16. I understand. How considerate. Kudos to you devs for looking out for the smalls.
  17. This is dumb
  18. More stuff I dont have the rl cash for, hell yeah
  19. yay... another hte only (if you want anything good) event

    where is the PvP one?