The Russian Troll Factory

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Imitation-Cheese, Mar 30, 2015.

  1. Hydra - based on what you said, it sounds like the us army also finds the chechen rhetoric a threat. In their exercise, theyre targeting TX and socal as hostile places - places from which mexico could potentially launch an invasion
  2. Putin clone?
  3. That does indeed sound like a tough sell. A lot of mexico's recent economic success is owing to NAFTA

    Unless russia has a better treaty to offer, i dont see mexico or us-based mexicans biting off on the whole "invade the us" idea
  4. Exactly, but people do believe it. Now that you know it, which anyone can see for them self if curious. You can understand why some people say some of the things they say.

    Yeah Putin got cloned.

    The US just sold Mexico a ton of military hardware. So no Jade Helm isn't directed at Mexico.
  5. I'm not singling you out Cheese, but when you guys want to start preaching about colonization, and Mexico. You understand why you get the reactions you get.

    So there is no excuse anymore. You guys give grade school history lessons.