Haha it's gen X. We are coming of age...0.o Jade Helm is fun. There are a lot of paranoid people in America right now. They think they are gonna be black bagged with black hawks. Soldiers will be on the streets. If they look healthy young and unfamiliar. It's a soldier. Unless it the old guys. But still the health will give them away. Back packs headphones. Infiltrators.
If the government wants to put the people at ease, all they have to do is publish information explaining the reason they do certain things They also need to ensure that sufficient laws are in place that explicity outlaw the very thing we are concerned about Then they need to set up a powerful oversight committe to actually enforce these protective laws Instead, what we have are secret courts (FISA) where you may or may not have access to an attorney or a fair trial
So you see, the government is reinforcing peoples fears by doing the very things conspiracy theorists have been clamoring about for decades
Well duh. If they didn't want it out there like that I wouldn't be out there. A lot of that type of stuff is military propaganda. Or former military propaganda. It's just dudes man. I think a lot of protesting is expected. It's not the protest, but the violence everyone is afraid of. It's such a multipurpose exercise in theory. It has a psychological effect, at home and aboard. Along with training. It's all legal I believe. You just can't let your imagination get away from you. Most people aren't even aware of the alternate stories. If you are worried, you should probably ask yourself what you are doing to be worried.
I think its pretty well documented what people are worried about - being disarmed and being subject to marshal law
Ill tell you what though. One of those special ops guys is gonna point his rifle at the wrong person. Then the **** is really gonna hit the fan. Private citizens have been preparing for such an event for years and the government knows it. What if this is all a setup to try and bait a civilian into unwittingly shooting a servicemember? If that happens (god forbid) then they really will disarm us and institute marshal law
Kinda thinking about some of the "resistance" and "revolutionaries" types. The ones who think we can't make change in this country without violence. Those are the types who worry about Jade Helm. It's has psyop all over it. Really it's 2015. People can make change in peace. If you can't, keep trying. In peace.
I dont think anyone wants change, let alone to be a revolutionary or resort to violence But letting the military send armed troops dressed as civilians roam around our cities is just asking for trouble And frankly, its unnecessary. We have been doing just fine without these exercises It just doesnt feel right...
How about the Chechnya guy who wants to arm Mexico to take back old Mexican territory? Come on. People just say anything and everything. Look out Texas. You have Jade Helm, Chechnya, Mexico, all trying to take you out. Don't forget the Chinese. All that Chinese ammo. It's targeted at right wingers mostly. Or was.
Dont get me wrong - im with you on this. I honestly believe nothing is going to come of all this. But the way in which the government is going about doing some things certainly is cause to give one pause
You know what I always thought. Lefties targeted right wingers with propaganda that makes them isolate and become xenophobic. So I alway stick up for them, because they are targeted with that stuff. Then lefties sit back and reap the reward. Never ending political strife at the lowest level. Ask any right winger they will tell you liberals are racist who are constantly attacking them in the media. Some of it has to be true. With Chechnya, it was good. Russia totally denounced the threat. Along with saying it was propaganda to promote separatism in America. So it starts laying to rest a lot of that type of fears people may have. Which really doesn't benefit anyone. Except left wing political types.
Can you explain this? Im getting mixed messages here and i wanna make sure im understanding you the way you intend to be understood
Okay. We get a Chechen leader coming out and saying this basically. We are going to arm Mexico and resume talks on annexed Mexican territory. Chechnya is a Russian Republic that's operates with some autonomy. So the threat was a Chechen threat with supposed Russian support. So basically he is saying Russia is going to proxy Mexico and invade the US. Russia comes out and says no no. That was just a threat to promote separatism in the US. It's not credible. Anyone who follows immigration legislation/propaganda knows all about La Raza. A lot of it is about the native Mexicans taking back their lands. Including Native Americans. They feel the land was robbed from them. Not bought. We have all at least experienced this on here. This adds to the xenophobia some people suffer who feel strongly about this topic. They actually see Mexico as a threat beyond reality. The weak underbelly of America? This stroy has been around a long time. Real Cold War rhetoric. Mainly I see veterans, and right wingers targeted with this stuff. So basically they are saying nope. There is no international backing for this. Is all that talk does is make things harder for Mexicans, and created hostility between American people. Big picture.
Since Putins return from disappearance the other weak things have changed a little bit. Like Russia telling Iran to back off Yemen. Putin clone.
This kind of rethoric can't work with Mexicans from Texas for example. How can you convince them that would be much better for Texas if is going back to "motherland" Mexico?