The Riddle of Drakkend Mountain

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Nov 25, 2016.

  1. Nom Nom Nom
  2. Kind of your own fault for not checking what your were purchasing.
  3. Hte max 470 opal?

  4. Yes
  5. No 60000 community rewards yet 
  6. lol! Still haven't gotten any community rewards....
  7. Dev's should increase the rewards fir this evening collecting more than 15000 Drakkends opals but can't make the top 100 to encourage players to keep collecting the drakkend opals
  8. Is this eq weapon or off hand? Saw several ask the same but still no answer :-\

  9. Based on a historical context... it's mainland.

    Know of anyone that carries a battle hammer in their offhand?
  10. Still waiting for Spragga stables
  11. So i'm still kinda excited for a riddle
  12. I'm not even sure what slot it goes in but think of past equipment. We've had morning stars as offhand equipment when I could easily seeing it being justified as a main hand piece. We've had daggers as main hand which could be argued for the offhand slot.

    Hammer could be either with this kind of logic and I would personally guess a hammer would fall into the offhand but I could very easily be wrong.
  13. There should be more rewards tiers in this event between 15k and top 10. I reached 15k in just 10hrs at the start of this event.
  14. Devs I know your busy counting most the money you made all year, but really would be nice to know what slot this eq is. I know I don't spend much these days but an answer b4 Tuesday would be nice. Is ATA on auto pilot this weekend?
  15. I don't know if any of you noticed it

    In equipment preview
    The riddle the item or
    Hidden Easter egg

    The Tier 1 tool says

    "This finely crafted mining tool that doubles as a weapon , named after a river that flows through Mnt Drakkend "

    It's surely says it's a weapon and weapon equipment is the main hand equipment
    I don't know if this helps you guys in anyway but this is what I've found

    And somewhat believe it's a weapon ( main hand weapon )
  16. I have 9 offhand equip....

    7 of them are weapons, 2 are shields.
  17. Accolade axe is offhand so i guess same
  18. Hey Grant. Plz add another tier for the community event thanks.
  19. A new tier is added as the previous one is reached.

  20. Im very happy with what Ive already gotten over the weekend and I think devs have really done an outstanding job. I was wondering if the prolific spell from this weekend could be bumped up 5% in all tiers. Im really thankful for the (quick) event and I consider all of it as a bonus so it'd be sort of an 'icing on the cake' kinda thing