The rich get richer

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -BCK-_Donald_Trump_-BCK-, Nov 17, 2016.

  1. They always do
  2. It's funny that I got people following me now and telling me in my messages that I should just buy an account
  3. It favours the people who dont sleep
  4. *Account Share*
  5. Agree 100% with Capt. W. I rarely spend money on kaw, and when I do, it's the $19.99 xstal pack. That lasts me anout 4-5 months.
    It's about activity, stratagey, and the right clan. But most of all, it's the connects you have made on this social app. Duh!!!!!!!!!! I have played kaw 6 yrs as of the end of this month. Why should a 1 yr player be equal in stats to me, unless they spent a huge amount of RL $ on this game (Which I'm ok with).

    I know first hand that those at the top utililize their friends close circles to get into clans ebs about to end. Join in, cast a BC, and unload while xstal a couple. BAM. 10-15 min effort and max rewards drops. Also, the boxes. All those in top use nobs to open with the gold key. You jelly yet? So many more tactics you ppl never even care to look at.

    All I see is whiners of kaw players wanting more free stuff then they are already getting, and paying no RL $ for, yet want the same as the ppl who dump a lot of RL $ into the game.
  6. I must thank Chubby for pointing that out. Respect to you Luckstar for 750k battle wins i have 500k but i have merced many small ebs. Melon 130k ? Lol your a wizard.
  7. A one year old hybrid can be 80mcs+ easy in a year just with game free xstalls i have done it so i agree on that point luckstar. It is easy for people now.