just read it. thats wrong. "oh look we know you put in so much work to everything so we'll just strip you of it and then give you an achievement." -_________-
Phil, you're crazy. Here's a history: Day one - no allies cap. KoW finds out there's a no allies cap and a no plunder cap. Buys all allies in game in a war with another player. Fake allies are introduced by Devs. Shadow allies as they're called. This was during the first month of the game and KoW was hitting inactive accounts and farming osfs. He banked enough cash that when he went from inactive to active he got sore thumbs from selling 50 canaries at a time. THAT WAS THE HIGHEST POT SO THAT'S WHAT HE BANKED IN. Wrathbane had several shadow allies, and he's neither a dope nor a liar. Ask him for details. Tell him I sent you and you're a pickle smoker. He may take pity on you. Benny, or any of the original iG or Foxes can confirm either of these facts. Devs can too. Be sure to tell them I also said you're a sword swallower and it'd be ok if you got your facts right 1 in 10 times. Devs patch allies and plunder by setting caps. Then t3 is introduced. Reset bonuses are made and allow for 50 allies per reset and perm bonuses for first 4 resets. That and a chaos pack was the model for quite some time. It lasted through most of the Hollow/NA war and then the T3L4 spy building was introduced. Then some time after that your noob self started. We still have yet to care or find you relevant. Have a bad day.
As always, nicely written, philo. I disagree with you on a vast majority of things, but I agree with you on this one. However, I regret not doing the "transfer mains" strategy.
Sorry, deadly. I do that. Those are the facts though. Confirm with Devs, Benny, Corinthain, KoolAid, Wrathbane, eye eye, ECC, OgDoggie, GB, or someone who is in the iG recruitment thread of '09. I didn't see the exploit but I have seen KoW come back to life after a slumber and buy every member of iG and Fox plus a load of Majesty's allies in a span of about an hour before we realized he was awake again. That's a huge load of banked Canaries bro. HUGE
@ what is there to resetting now. Nothing. Your quests don't reset to xtal/nob farm. you no longer gain extra allie slots or the reset perm items. those that had got to keep their perm items and such. They where compensated 1 nob per slot take away (was capped at 550 slots kept if you where over other wise it stayed at current level and you got nill for reimbursement) the only reason to reset now, literally, is either to start over/because you want the shiny useless badge or to climb the "completions leader board" (which is view-able on pc and doesn't mean much) you keep nobs/speakers/xtals/any social posts or follows/perm items (not equipment) that's really about it. there's not a reason to reset generally it's used as a bullying term now.
More historical corrections, from my perspective anyway. The fake accounts around in the beginning of the game were NPC clones of the top Players introduced by the Developers because there were few large Accounts to hit. We called these Bots. They had limited AI and once each day when the server updated every Bot you attacked since the last server update would retaliate. They paid well, too well actually, and the Developers were forced to Nerf their payouts. Eventually most were removed from the game but a few still remain, relics of our game's past. The Shadow Accounts came much later, a bug on the Developers' part. Accounts that had been "removed" from the game could still be accessed by clicking on old Wall links. Once you found a Shadow Account Profile you could hire it for no gold and it's stats would be added to your BFA. Because the Account didn't actually exist nobody could look at your Profile and see the Allies, but folks were building huge, free, secret Ally bases nonetheless. This was patched by the Developers but the scavenger hunt for dead Accounts was a lot of fun at the time. KingdomOfWolves was taking advantage of the huge earnings available to the first Spy Builds to Bank his early fortune. He was one of the very first to go Spy, and lead the rest of the Leaderboard in the takedown of Raven from the top spot at the time with Assassinations and Steals. Realizing how much more Steals paid than Attacks, like ten times more, he kept the build, intentionally fell off the Leaderboard and farmed from the shadows. These obnoxious Spy earnings were eventually Nerfed too but not before he made out like a bandit. Proof is in he never Reset, and has no Battles won worth mentioning; was Spy actions. The only folks I recall who actually managed to hire everybody were jobbler, who was banned for abuse, and Emeth, who the Developers congratulated for being clever before taking most of his gold away. Thank Emeth for our current Plunder Cap everybody. xyz/Kaizyu came very close but were strong-armed into resetting their Accounts for their Referral shenanigans, but not before going on a night-long volley-bonanza. This particular event was wild, one of my top early KaW memories. Cheers!